Friday, October 1, 2010

Fall Into Fall Quilt Bloggers Giveaways

Thanks so very much to all the wonderful folks who visited my blog and entered the Fall into Fall Giveaway. It was wonderful having so many folks visit my blog and leave comments. Thank you for your visits! I have discovered many new and wonderful blogs and bloggers. Please come again and visit real soon.

The winner of the Good to Go tote bag/purse and eye glass case is Susan from the blog Hanging on By a Needle and Thread. Susan, please send me your address so I can get the package into the mail early next week.

It's finally here. The Fall Into Fall Quilt Bloggers Giveaway has officially begun. From October 1st to October 15th, bloggers who also quilt have joined in a super fun blog hop. Debi who blogs at Quilting with Debi has organized a fabulous Fall event. Discover MANY wonderful blogs, make new blogging friends and perhaps win a prize or two from the giveaways. Each participating blogger is hosting a giveaway on their site. Visit the blog hop site to find a list of the quilting bloggers on the right side and the business bloggers on the left. Join in the blog-hopping fun! I first participated in the Fall Into Fall Blog Hop two years ago as a blog visitor. I had such a good time that I've been hoping since then that Debi would host another blog hop, but this time I wanted to participate with a giveaway. 

I love Fall! Here in Georgia we do experience a colorful season change. I love the falling leaves....

visiting pumpkin patches and eating pumpkin treats
One of my most favorite things is to visit the apple orchards and warehouses in the North Georgia Mountains. We didn't have experience apple season growing up in Louisiana. (Crawfish season is something we did embrace)
Reading pumpkin and apple stories to primary students for years and watching "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown." Yahoo for Fall!

I know you're saying enough of the Fall Tribute. Where's the giveaway? I searched my sewing room. I wanted my giveaway to reflect Fall, but also help reduce my stash. I remembered that I still had lots of fabric from making my own Good to Go bag. Lots of luscious Chelsea Lane fabric in fall tones from Pat Sloan. That was it. The past few days I've been in my sewing room putting the new bag together.
This Summer I had the opportunity to use my friend Jane's Studio Cutter from Accuquilt. This made my project easier as most of the fabric was already cut into strips. The Good to Go bag from Silver Thimble Quilt Company is made from string-pieced blocks. 

My giveaway is this Good To Go tote bag Plus 

an eyeglass/sunglass case to match the bag.

 To enter the giveaway, please leave a comment telling me your favorite thing about Fall. For an extra chance to win, please leave an additional comment saying that you have signed up to become a Follower of my blog or tell me that you already follow my blog. International visitors are welcome to enter the giveaway. Good luck, friends! The winner will be announced on October 15th.


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Mystica said...

Reading your post I thought you were giving us the balance scraps! which were also amazing!!! Then you throw in such a lot of stuff. Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

I'm already a follower of yours. It is wonderful you took the time to make such a wonderful gift that should be treasured by your winner! Best part of Fall is the crisp fresh air after a long hot summer. Enjoy your weekend and be sure to visit my give away!!

Betsy said...

THank you for the chance to win. I love when I can pull out my fall decor and decorate.

Teresa said...

My favorite thing about Fall would have to be all the colors in the trees. Driving down the highway and seeing reds, yellows, oranges, and greens all mixed in together. Love seeing all the acorns in my front yard too.

Teresa said...

I love love love the bag! I am a follower for some time now and you have sure pointed to some great reading. I discovered the Boswick novels through your blog.

Penny said...

It's forever summer in my country. But what I love about fall in blogland is the abundance of pumpkins!

Mary D said...

I love the smell in the air with fall and the colors that the season brings.

Mary said...

I just signed up to follow your wonderful blog

Mama Spark said...

My favorite thing about fall is Halloween!!

Jocelyn said...

Wow what a beautiful giveaway Becky. We do not have the change of seasons in Central Florida, but I still love to decorate with fall colors inside. I love how it makes the house feel cozy and warm.

Jocelyn said...

And I am already a follower :-)

Linda said...

My favorite thing about fall is the cooler temperatures it brings. After a hot Georgia summer, cool is always welcome. What a wonderful giveaway!

Linda said...

I have been a follower for many months now. I am hoping your bag will be my first blog giveaway win!!!

WvHmmngbrd said...

I love the beautiful fall leaf colors! Thanks for the chance to win!

WvHmmngbrd said...

I am now a follower!

Betty said...

I love the bag and glass case, good job. I love the nice cool days of fall after a long hot summer.

Peach Rainbow said...

I love the colorful leaves!
fsarah09 at gmail dot com

Peach Rainbow said...

New follower!
fsarah09 at gmail dot com

Susan said...

Oh my gosh, Becky...what a great bag! I love the colors!!!

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

Smashing bag! Since I was a kid I've loved "wading" in crisp, autumn coloured, fallen leaves.
I am already a follower.

Sandy said...

The beautiful colors of fall and the crisp temps make it my favorite time of year...many happy memories this time of year. thanks for a chance for your "fall" giveaway- love those items ;) sandy

Sandy said...

I now follow your blog! Sandy

katrien said...

Very lovely bag.
I love the colors of the trees at this time of the year.

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing in autumn is....apples because they haveso many colors and what is better than an apple pie ?
Iam going to be a follower of your blog
Best wishes from France

Ruth said...

Wonderful giveaway. Please enter me in the drawing!
I love the cooler weather!

Ruth said...

I'm now a follower.

paulette said...

Wonderful give away!! Thanks for the chance to win!! I love the colours of the trees and of course the smell of burning leaves!Take care!

JayTee said...

what a nice bag!!

JayTee said...

i am a follower

Brigitte said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I love the changing of the colours at this time of year.

Emillie Rose said...

My favorite thing about fall is the changing leaves! Such a pretty time of year.


Emillie Rose said...

I follow your blog! Would love to win your beautiful giveaway1


Dana Gaffney said...

Those bags are beautiful. We don't have much of a changing season here, but right now you can feel a difference. It's very subtle, less humidity, a coolness to the air, that's my favorite, when the heat breaks and you want to be outside.

Anonymous said...

Morning, my favorite thing about fall is that the heat goes away at night and we can sleep well. Lizzie

Dana Gaffney said...

I'm already a follower of your blog.

Michelle said...

I LOVE Fall! It's the bestest season! From the weather to the foods that are made due to the weather changing and of course the colors - it's my favorite!

Michelle said...

Oh, and I'm already a follower!

Josceline said...

qué bonito el bolso y las otras cosas que haces, me hago feliz una seguidora tuya

Unknown said...

Love your giveaway. That bag is great.

Cindy said...

This is such a wonderful, thoughtful giveaway. It's so pretty and the eyeglass case is such a nice addtion to the bag.

I love how you made this. Awesome.

Happy Fall.

Cindy said...

Already one of your FAN FOLLOWERS and enjoy being one.

Happy Fall!

Brenda said...

i am already a follower.

Brenda said...

Love the bag!I love the changing of the leaves, the cooler temperatures, wearing cozy sweaters, etc. i love fall!

Jeanne said...

LOVE THE BAG, and who doesn't need a new bag. Thanks for sharing.

Marit Johanne said...

I love the colors in fall, and to walk in the dry leaves :)
I am a bag lover and I love the colors you have used so I am happy to join your give away! it is a beautiful bag.Happy fall!

Lisa Marie said...

Gorgeous give away! My fav thing about Fall is the changing colors. So pretty

Lisa Marie said...

I'm a new follower to your blog too!

Gill said...

What a great bag - I love autumn colours although my favourite season is Spring!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome bag!

My favorite thing about fall, aside from cooler temps without freezing off appendages or sweating buckets, is the vast array of gorgeous colors! I also love the smell of the air and leaves. Okay, did I mention that fall is my favorite could really keep me talking about it for a long while!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'm now following your blog! Mine is

bo said...

love the changing colors and the cool crisp air...

Sheila said...

The fall represents cool crisp air and beautiful colours as well as delicious apples and pumpkins. I love the string bag ,beautiful.

jdqltr said...

Lovely bag, and is that an eye glass case? or a rotary cutter case? Looks like either to me. Hope I get to check it out in person, as in being the winner! Thanks!

jdqltr said...

And I am now a follower too! Love your blog.

Nanbon44 said...

what a lovely bag you are offering, I love the fall colors...

Anonymous said...

Hi! My favourite thing about fall is the lovely sound of treading through crisp leaves...I dont know why but I just love kicking them around.

Doina said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in! I like all fruit harvested in autumn.

Doina said...

I am already a follower.

Leah said...

Love that bag!! Those fabrics are all so perfect together.

Linda K said...

Wow, Becky, wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win ( I never have)!! I made one of Pat's totes for my sister, but not for myself and yours is wonderful, so my fingers are crossed. Fall is my favorite season and I can't get enough of pumpkin anything! I follow, of course, on Google Reader.

Leah said...

I am now a follower. I loved looking at all your quilts can't wait to see more!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

What a gorgeous bag Becky! I love autumn for the colors~ nature's palette is marvelous! ..and the great temps. ;-)

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

I'm a happy follower too! :-)

emmy said...

What a lovely giveaway. As much as I love to sew, sometimes it is so nice to receive something I don't have to make.

Quilter Kathy said...

Fabulous giveaway Becky! My favorite thing about fall beside the beautiful colours is that it is my baby girl's birthday (she's not a baby or even a girl anymore...she's all grown up LOL)!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite things about fall is that I can break out my cozy sweaters.

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower!

Anya said...

My favorite thing about fall is my birthday! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

My favorite fall things, pumpkin pie, fall leaves, Halloween.

marie in oregon

baukje said...

LOvely bag, I am also a bagmaker. My favorite thing is making delicious things with all the fruit from our garden. On my blog I have a giveaway too;

baukje said...

LOvely bag, I am also a bagmaker. My favorite thing is making delicious things with all the fruit from our garden. On my blog I have a giveaway too;

Annmarie said...

GREAT bag!! Very autumny & that's what I like best about fall - the colors. Here in Northern Wisconsin we are fortunate to have a beautiful display of color change in the trees.

Monica said...

My favorite thing about Fall is the smell...and the cooler temperatures.

Monica said...

I'm a new follower! Thank you for the chance to win your great giveaway.

Kathy H said...

My favorite thing about fall is the beautiful colors of the leaves. It is like a fall bouquet.

Barb said...

Thanks for this opportunity to win such a wonderful bag.

I do think the Fall colors are soooo vibrant and fun.

Micki said...

Wonderful giveaway! I love fall because of the beautiful fall leaves.

Micki said...

I am a follower of your blog for sometime.

SandyQuilts said...

Oh what an adorable bag ... love it. thanks. Fall ... I love because that means summer is only 3 seasons away.

SandyQuilts said...

I use to follow my favorite blogs ... you're listed.

Sherrill said...

How cute is that bag combo. LOVE IT! My favorite thing--colors, cooler weather, pumpkins, Halloween, ALL OF IT! Thanks for the giveaway!

Michelle said...

Love that bag!

One of my favorite things about fall are the aisles and aisles of Halloween stuff in all of the stores. We don't buy much, but it's fun to browse!

sy said...

i love the fall weather and halloween. can't wait to get candy and dress up.
thanks for hosting the giveaway.
songyueyu at gmail

Terry said...

Oh I just love that bag!! My favorite thing about fall is the colors. They're so warm and beautiful! Thanks so much! :0)

Terry said...

I'm a follower too! :0)

grendelskin said...

What gorgeous fabrics, it's a bag that would get loads of use! I love autumn; one of my all-time favorite smells, when the black walnuts ripen and fall from my own (I grew it from a tin seedling) tree coms just before fall sets in. Some folks love the smell, others hate it; I'm one of the first kind.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

What a beautiful bag! My favorite thing about fall is it means a promise of cooler weather (at least by Thanksgiving) and seeing the leaves turn colors. We don't get a lot of color but I do appreciate each tree that I see change. My hope is to one year make it back east to see the trees in all their color glory.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I have been following, reading, and enjoying your blog for quite awhile now!

an encourager said...

How fun and colorful that fall prize is!!! I am an elementary school 'librarian' too! Sooo... I can definitely picture loads of books in that bag! :) Thanks!

Alice said...

I love fall leaves or pumpkin pie. I think it is a toss up. The bag is gorgeous. Thanks for the opportunity.

Thim3 said...

What I like about fall is the smells, colors,cooler weather, and fall blog giveaways.

Thim3 said...

What I like about fall is the smells, colors,cooler weather, and fall blog giveaways.

Thim3 said...

I follow your blog and I love the bag...very pretty colors.

Thearica said...

Extra special giveaway here! Your bag is lovely and I would be so excited to take that into town with me if I were to win!

Thanks for the chance!

Rita said...

I love the colors of Fall!

Rita said...

I'm a new follower. What a very generous give away. Thanks.

Lee said...

I love the fall colors here in MI and going to cider mills!
Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

Lee said...

I am a follower also!

Melissa ;-) said...

My favorite thing about fall is the colors and this bag is full of them! Thanks for the chance!

Mary said...

Love the bags, they are beautiful. mary6850 at

Mary said...

I am also following your blog. mary6850 at

quiltingnana said...

my favorite thing about fall is the colors....
I'd love that tote

quiltingnana said...

I am already a follower

Just Ramblin' said...

Love the chance to win the bag. Love the fabrics as it so reminds me of fall. And one of my favorite things about fall is driving up into the canyon and admiring all the beautiful colors. Nola

Jessica said...

Thank you for the generous giveaway! I would love to be entered. My favorite thing about fall is Pumpkins! I have this odd love for them. I can't wait to get out to the farm for pumpkin picking, it is a yearly tradition since 10 years ago, when we started having kids!

Blessings, Jessica

Jessica said...

This is my first time to your blog and I just became a follower! Nice to "meet" ya Becky!

Blessings, Jessica

Jeanette said...

Your giveaway is gorgeosu. My favourite thing about fall is the colours of the leaves.

BROOKE said...

I'm now a follower

BROOKE said...

I love the cooler weather of fall and sitting outside with a fire in the fire ring.

Kim D. said...

Love your beautiful bag, thanks for the chance to win.
I love to see the leaves start to change color and the cooler temps. I hope you'll visit my blog for my fall giveaway as well. Happy blog hopping!

Kim D. said...

I signed up to be a follower.

Bren said...

My favorite thing about fall is the colorful trees. The reds, yellows and oranges here in Northern Ill. are gorgeous!

Bren said...

I am a follower. ;)

Victoria M. said...

My favorite thing about fall is the colors !!! Your tote bag is awesome. Thanks for having this giveaway.

Victoria M. said...

I've been a follower of your blog for some time and always enjoy reading it,

Janet said...

Your bag is so pretty! Thanks for a chance to win. I hope all the people who have asked for my favourite thing about fall don't compare notes because I've probably said something different each time. :) My favourite thing at the moment is the fresh snow on the mountains and how good the warm of the waning daytime sun feels.

Janet said...

And I have become a follower.

Paula said...

That bag is beautiful. My favorite things about fall are the colorful trees, walking through the leaves and hearing them crunch and then smelling them.

Pat S. said...

Such a lovely bag and eyeglass case! My favorite thing about Fall is when foliage is at its peak. I am so fortunate to live in beautiful New England; we get to experience all four seasons! Thanks for the chance to win your generous giveaway!!!

Singtatter said...

I love the colours of the leaves. Thanks for the chance to win your lovely bags!

Weatherbee ;) said...

My favorite thing about fall are all of the lovely colors. The leaves falling, the crisp cold air, lovely warm blankets, and hot cocoa.

Thank you for a wonderful giveaway! :)

Weatherbee ;) said...

I am also a follower of your blog. :)


Louise said...

Beautiful bag! There are so many good things about Fall, but I would say it signifies an end to a hot, hot summer! I don't do "hot" well.

~Kristin~ said...

Love the bag and my favorite thing is decorating my porch!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

i love the weather. it doesn't last long here, but i like when it's just a bit chilly out.

lauren51990 at aol dot com

Winona said...

I love all of the beautiful colors that show up in the fall. This tote looks so much like fall. I would love to have it. Very cute pattern. Great giveaway. Have a nice day. Winona

Winona said...

Becky, I am already a follower. Winona

deserae said...

My favorite thing about fall is the fall colors on the trees

DocSly said...

What a wonderful giveaway. I became of follower of your blog last week. I love fall because of the beautiful colors on the trees I pass by while traveling.

Nancy said...

My favorite thing about fall is the cooler temps. I don't do well with our more recent New England summers being so hot!! I also love anything made with fresh fall apples and pumpkins.

Crafty Girl Creations said...

What an amazing bag!!
My favorite thing about Fall is the colors of the leaves!

Crafty Girl Creations said...

I am a new follower!

Linda said...

I love the beautiful fall leaf colors, pumpkins, Thanksgiving, turkey and dressing and cooler weather! Thanks for the chance to win. I love the bag and the colors, a very generous giveaway!

Linda said...

I am now a new follower!

Brittainy Barnes said...

My favorite part about fall is how cool it gets! Growing up in Northern California, it still gets up to the triple digits well into September - this year, even October!

Brittainy Barnes said...

I'm a new follower!

quiltmom anna said...

I love your bag - great colors and fun
glasses case too. I think the photos of pumpkins and apples are so luscious to look at- my favorite apples are MacIntosh Apples from the trees in the fall.
Thanks for the opportunity to win such a nice bag.

quiltmom anna said...

I am a follower of your blog- I do love the books on your bookshelf- I have read a number of them.
Thanks for hosting such a nice giveaway.

Susan said...

What a generous giveaway! Love the bag and matching case! My favorite thing about fall is the cooler temperatures; makes me feel all snug inside my house.

Colleen said...

Nice giveaway, Just love those fall fabrics. I love Fall more than any other season. Leaves burning and the smell of apples.

QuiltSue said...

What a lovely giveaway. My favourite thing about autumn is the colour, oh and the smell of bonfires, and the apples and ... everything really, it's my favourite season.

QueenB said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rose said...

I am a follower of your blog.

Rose said...

Fall is definitely my favorite season of the year. I love everything about it, smells, colors, crisp days and cool nights, and on and on and on

Judy C said...

Love the bag, I love everything about fall the smell of leaves in the air, the getting ready to snuggle in fealing, the cool breezes and the beautiful sunsets and cool crisp nights.....

Irina said...

Hi, I like the smell of burning turf and sitting by the fire having a nice cup of tea after having had a great walk around the island where I live...Aughinish

Irina said...

I'm your follower too

SewLindaAnn said...

Hi Becky! I love in Roswell and really enjoyed reading your blog. I also love the Apple Festival and will be going early to enjoy all the events (and the fried pies).

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about fall is the fall colors!

Daisy said...

What I like about autumn is the color of its leaves, walking through the park and breathe fresh air .. Congratulations for using your GO

Daisy said...

Great gift .. I'm new follower.

Thanks for the oportunidd in your drawing.

Maria McCabe said...

My favorite thing about fall is the wonderful colors! My son and I have been taking walks under beautiful blue skies, looking at the gorgeous quilt nature has made with the leaves. Thank you for the chance to win!

Maria McCabe said...

My favorite thing about fall is the wonderful colors! My son and I have been taking walks under beautiful blue skies, looking at the gorgeous quilt nature has made with the leaves. Thank you for the chance to win!

Maria McCabe said...

My favorite thing about fall is the wonderful colors! My son and I have been taking walks under beautiful blue skies, looking at the gorgeous quilt nature has made with the leaves. Thank you for the chance to win!

Maria McCabe said...

I am a new follower. This Fall giveaway is a great way to find new blogs to follow. I love quilts and books so your title got my attention and your great blog made me stay. Thank you.

WoolenSails said...

Enjoying seeing all the new sites with the giveaway hop. Your bag is beautiful, love the fabrics.
My favorite thing is the colors, nothing like seeing all of the leaves on the trees as they are turning.


pinsandneedles said...

Thanks for participating in the Fall into fall giveaway! The bag is wonderful! My favorite thing about fall is the beautiful colors!

Charlene S said...

Fall mmmm oh yes that is that week or so in October that turns cool in the morning and hot in the afternoon. I love going outside and sitting listening to the doves while I enjoy my community coffee. Louisiana's fall is different as you know.

Charlene S said...

You had me hooked when you let the world know that you were Cajuns. I am now a follower.

Darling Jill Quilts said...

GREAT BAG!! I would LOVE to win this!

My favorite part of fall is the cooler weather. Although, it's a little too cool this morning for my taste! lol

Darling Jill Quilts said...

I'm following you now. Woo hoo!

Regina said...

That bag is great! My favorite part about fall is the changing colors of the trees.

I'm also a follower but I don't need a second entry. I just like your blog. :)

Coloradolady said...

Hi Becky, very nice to meet you. Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful gift, the fabrics are lovely.

My favorite thing about the fall is the crispness in the air and the getting ready for the holidays.

Thank you again for your generosity.

Coloradolady said...

I am a new follower too!!

Bailey said...

My favorite thing is the cooling temperatures and the changing colors!

Thanks for the chance!

shirley said...

My fav part of fall is the colors, love the colors.

shirley said...

I follow GFC

Pam said...

What a wonderful give away. I love the bag and glass case!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Pam said...

I've just become a follower of your blog through RSS feed and Google

Jen said...

My favorite thing about Fall is the yummy food! Homemade apple pie, soup, fresh-baked bread, and cookies!

Jen said...

I'm a new follower! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

debbie said...

I love the changeing leaves, until, it gets to be the tenth time I have raked (and usually it takes more times than that.) Then don't even say the word leaves to me. LOL.

Regena@QuiltnQuiltthings said...

love the fall colors.
hope you have a great day

Maxwells said...

I grew up in la too! So in DE now and get to see the leaves change and pick apples :) would trade it for LA winter though. I think visiting orchids are my fav though.

Van e Chris said...

Our favorite thing about fall... the colours!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Ms Muffin said...

I love almost everything about fall! Fall is my favourite season!
Favourite things that come to mind: plum cake, TEA - big tea lover, crisp and chilly yet sunshiny days or mornings, colored leaves, even rainy days - Well, when it rains 3 weeks in a row I kinda get less enthusiastic, though. ;-) - my birthday is in fall and my son is born in fall, oh, I also got married in fall ...
Thanks for your lovely giveaway. You are very welcome to come by my blog and check out my giveaway ... you could win some custome-made buttons.
Have a lovely weekend!


Grandma Shell said...

Other than the lucious fall colors, my favorite thing about fall would be the fact that the suffocating heat of summer is on it's way elsewhere. I see you have a doxie. I have a mini doxie than rules my house now that she's my only family here. That bag you made is absolutely stunning! Love it!

Jessica said...

I'm a follower!

Jessica said...

My favorite part of fall is drinking apple cider :) Even when I'm doing work, it makes everything better!

Janet said...

what a wonderful giveaway - i'd love to win it - fingers crossed!

Carol M said...

I love the fall colors and the still warm temperature during the day and cool temps at night. I already follow you. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love the falling leaves and watching my children play in the huge leaf piles

Joanne Lendaro said...

NEW follower...why did it take me so long?? Looks like you had tons of fun at the retreat!!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Oh My Gosh!! I want that bag. What great fabrics you used.

Billie in TX

Joanne Lendaro said...

I love the smell of fall...the crunchy leaves and the reallly fresh apple cider. Thanks for the fun giveaway, the bag is great!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm following your blog. You also have some wonderful pictures posted.

Billie in TX

Anonymous said...

The bag is gorgeous!! I'm in Louisiana, so my favorite part is turning off the AC and opening the windows!! That, and LSU football!!!!

Jill said...

Your giveaway is so wonderful. I thought you were going to gives us the strips of fabric and pattern to make our own bag, here you have made it for us and extras. Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize. I love the smell of Fall. I hope that isn't too weird, but each season comes with it own unique aroma.

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Becky Sweetie...
I am so enjoying this Blog HOP. I have met so many wonderful people, visited so many gorgeous blog homes, and saw so many creative gifts of love.

This tote is exquisite. Oh how I would love this gift. Please enter my name into the giveaway. It is a bag of many colors. So beautiful just like the coat of many colors in the bible. You are so creative and gifted with sewing sweet friend.

What I love about Fall. That is easy for me. I live here in the desert of Phoenix. I love Fall when it gets here, because we see double digit temps again. As of today we are still seeing triple digit numbers and the grandkids are still swimming. We may not see Fall only Winter this year. For me though, it is the thought of cooler temps.

I am Country Wings in Phoenix. I love your blog home. It is so heart warming and home felt here. I love it. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to win such a beautiful gift of love. Your talent amazes me sweet friend.

I am your newest follower. I would be so honored if you signed up to follow my blog as well.

Country hugs, Sherry

Kathleen C said...

Your bag is one of the prettiest I've ever seen--you have a great eye for color. THanks very much.

Kathleen C said...

Yes, I am a follower.

Mad about Craft said...

My favorite thing about Fall is crunchy leaves!

Pat / Silver Thimble Quilt Co. said...

You did my pattern proud girlfriend! Great job I like yours better than the original!


Lucky Duck Dreams said...

I love the cool crisp air of fall and going to the fair!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

I m a follower!

Jen W said...

LOVE the bag!! As for my favorite
part of Fall....hmmmm, pretty hard
to pick ONE but I'll go with the
beautiful colors of the trees and

Thank so much for the opportunity
to participate in this great Fall

Marcia W. said...

The best part of fall is the change in temperature so can work outside comfortably. Thank you for a fabulous giveaway.

Marcia W. said...

I follow your blog. Great bag!

Dru said...

Pretty bag! Thanks! I just love fall. It's hard to pick just one thing. I love fall days - blue skies, sunshine, crisp air.

Tudy said...

I like the cooler weather here in Ohio and the produce that is ripe in the fall.

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