Tuesday, February 26, 2008


It's a cold, rainy Tuesday evening here in Atlanta.Yesterday, it was like an early Spring day. Today, winter has returned to tell us who is the Boss. We had an early dinner of meatballs and spaghetti. Michael, our teeenage son, cooked dinner for the family tonight. Yes! All afternoon, I've been thinking it would be a perfect day to crawl back in bed, pull up the quilts and just read, read, read. I was about to head upstairs when I realized it wasn't even dark outside. So, I put in a little computer time and now it's dark :)  It's time for flannel p.j.'s,  a  puppy to warm my feet and my current book. I have finally begun reading The Kite Runner. Everyone I know has read it. They keep saying, "It's really good." I've checked it out of the library, only to have to return it without even beginning the book. I've paid several overdue fines for a book I haven't read. I finally broke down and purchased a copy. What a good story!!! It is really good. It is not the story that I thought it would be. It's about people - characters - not just a war story. I think I might finish it tonight that's if I don't fall asleep before I reach the end.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just finished Kite Runner and loved it! Now am reading A Thousand Splendid Suns...oh it is good! Love your blog!


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