Thursday, March 13, 2008

Looking for Maison de Noel

Have you ever had one of those sewing days when you just wanted to throw the entire project across the room right into the trash?  Well, I had one of those days with a Christmas tree skirt that I was working on. I cut an entire section wrong. When I looked at the pattern , I realized that I wouldn't have enough fabric for the project because I had not followed the directions in cutting the section. For this project,   I'm using an older fabric line from Moda, Maison de Noel.  I put the project aside, and out of sight. Every once in a while, I would find myself thinking about this project.  I hate wasting fabric especially fabric that I love.  I thought about using the strips and making a string quilt. I thought about making another Strawberry Pie from my friend Pat at Silver Thimble Quilt Company. The problem is that I don't like to give up on a project.

 This weekend, I took it out again. I assessed the fabric situation. How much did I need? Of which fabrics from the eight in the tree skirt would I need more ? I searched, Ebay, and Google. I found 4 of the fabrics that I needed at two online shops. I really needed only about 1/2 yard of each. I still need the holly fabric pictured on this post. I can get it on Ebay, but would cost about $10.00 for half a yard.

 Would you my online friends, please check your stash. Does anyone have half a yard of this holly fabric from the Maison de Noel line by Moda that you would sell, trade, or barter for?  I know someone has to have a piece in their stash.  

Thanks so much for looking!


  1. I don't think I bought any of this line, did I? Is there actually Moda fabric I don't own???!!! Will check the stash this weekend. Surely someone in sisters has this, did you post on the yahoo group? Hope you find some!!!!

  2. Hi Becky, wasn't able to find the fabric you're looking for but wanted to let you know that I have enjoyed your blog.

  3. mdI thought I had some but after going through piles!!! of fabric on the floor :( I have this fabric in the green background. I was hoping I could help you.

  4. Hi Becky,

    I bought that fabric and made my tree skirt from it. I will check my stash and let you know how much i have. I also had to buy more because I miss cut some strips.

  5. Becky-the moda fabric line is called ZaZa and it is oh so pretty! i have spent the evening cutting out the baby quilt-tomorrow I will be able to start putting it together.

  6. Oh, I so wish I had some, I would just give it to you! Good luck in your hunt.

  7. Hi Becky,
    Just got home from the Macon show and read your plea for Maison de Noel. I think I have some of this in my personal stash (?!?!); I know I don't still have any at the shop though.

    I'll check the stash closet tomorrow and will let you know.

    Melisa @ Sweet Home

  8. I found some by going through

  9. This Aussie shop has lots of Maison de Noel: I ordered a couple of patterns and they got here (Maryland) in less than a week! The woman who owns the shop is very nice and very helpful.

  10. I have a quilt kit of Maison de Noel in a red bucket with the pattern. Are you still looking. I realize it was several years ago, but thought I'd ask.


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