Sunday, March 2, 2008


 Judy L. hosted a Quilathon this weekend. Yesterday was spent sewing crumb blocks and learning new techniques (thanks Bonnie) at the quild workshop.  I had hoped to sew last night, but  crashed and burned around 8:00. Because I went to bed so early, I did get up early. I had hoped to spend all day sewing, but had some issues to tend to. I did spend this afternoon in my sewing room. I worked some on my Christmas Toile blocks. I do need to finish sewing these blocks. I made a mistake cutting early on and hope that I have enough of the red fabric. I was lucky to find a Fat Quarter at Stitch 'N Quilt. I'm hoping that will take care of my error if not I'll have to go online and order a yard.  I need to pin more blocks together. I'll probably do that in a bit. I did get some flannel cut for rag quilts. I need to make a rag quilt for a graduation gift in mid June. I have 6 of the fabrics that I need. I went ahead and cut those blocks. I also sewed last weekend on my Crossed Path project. The strips were sewn and needed to be cut. I put a new blade in BIG rotary cutter and have those all nicely sliced. They are ready to be sewn into nine patches. After that, I just need to assemble the rows. I used Moda's Sunshine fabric line. Wow! That fabric talks to me! It was just what I needed as I'm longing for Springtime. Not as much time in the sewing room as I had hopes, but I was happpy the entire time that I was sewing. Thank you Judy for proposing this event!

1 comment:

  1. Love the toile blocks especially! You have been TAGGED, stop by my blog to see!


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