Friday, April 11, 2008

A Change in Opinion

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of visiting with several quilting friends. Our dear quilting teacher and mentor, Pat Wys, had knee replacement surgery two weeks ago. Debbie, another treasured friend, agreed to get together to sew during my Spring Break. We decided to bring handwork and visit Pat. Pat looks wonderful, but is still in a bit of pain. She showed us a new design for her Silver Thimble Quilt Company. I'm psyched to sew that pattern, but it's still in the design stage. Susan, also a dear quilting friend, dropped by to bring Pat lunch. Both Debbie and Susan gave me lessons in different embroidery stitches so I can begin my Ring in the New Year stitchery Block of the Month. I need practice, but I can do this:)  Melisa, owner of Sweet Home Quilt Shop (one fabulous quilt shop) dropped by to visit Pat while we were visiting. She shared the news about one of her customers. While using a rotary cutter for normal fabric cutting, her customer cut off one of her fingers. Just like that, part of her finger was gone. Well, I was of the opinion that Fons & Porter on their TV program on PBS were over-doing it with their Klutz glove. I was willing to risk needing stitches or bleeding a bit from a rotary cutting accident, but I'm a bit fond of my fingers. This morning while running errands. I made a quick stop at the "J" store as my friend Gretchen has dubbed JoAnne's.  The Klutz glove was on sale. I didn't even have to use my coupon. For $12.00 and a bit of getting used to putting the glove on my hand before I get my rotary cutters out, I too will proudly wear the Klutz glove. 

Melisa, also brought some of Moda's new line, Prairie Paisely. We are all now lusting for this line of fabric. So this afternoon, Debbie and I made a road trip to Sweet Home. It took a great deal of restraint, but I only purchased two yards of Prairie Paisely plus a luscious neutral print and a red tone-on-tone. I just love going from room to room (the shop is an old home) looking at the fabulous fabrics. We should have to pay just to look at the great fabric Melisa is selling. (Just kidding, Melisa:) 

Two great afternoons! This has truly been a great week!


  1. I had a good time visiting with Pat, Debbie, and you yesterday. I thought that Pat is doing quite well!

    I also went to Sweet Home this afternoon. I used my Shop Hop coupon, which was good for 20% off one cut of fabric. I also bought some of the fabrics in the sale room.

    What you wrote to me did help some. I was able to add a Page Element for Favorite Blogs, but I couldn't get it be interactive. I didn't get a chain link at the top of the bar. When I tried typing it in html, it showed all the html codes. This blog isn't very user friendly. Do you have any other suggestions?

  2. I did it! Yeah! Now, let's see if I can add another favorite.

  3. Not fair talking about the good stuff I know is at Sweet I HAVE to go check it out today as well! i have made good progress on Laurie's quilt top and spoke to PJ yesterday afternoon regarding size. I am awaiting her answer before Ip add the borders. I guess I need to stop at the J store as well since I am a klutz to begin with
    I used skype last night and got to see Laur on my computer. Eases a mom's worries a little bit.

  4. Glad I convinced some of you to get the Klutz gloves (I've got them ordered for the shop, too.) I know Kathy will be happy that her misfortune has saved someone else the pain and disfigurement!

    I'm going to start carrying around samples of my newest fabrics so that when I run into someone I can whip them out and entice them to come visit! It is always such fun having you guys here...sure wish I was closer so ya'll could visit more often! Who knows, stranger things have happened, right?

  5. Sorry I missed the fun party at Pat's. Wow what a lot of visitors. I love Melisa's comment about carrying around fabric. Like we need that! I think Melisa is surpassing me as a bad influence lol! I am so happy you are having a fun spring break!!!!

  6. Thanks so much for the lovely day...It certainly helps to pass the time while I'm laid up!!

    I tried to cut out a bit of the new Peace in the Valley today..didn't get too far but will try again tomorrow.

    Everyone's visits certainly have medicinal powers...and I do think Melissa should carry around fabric snippets..Hey better yet...bundles in the trunk of her car.

    Off to the CPM machine and pain meds..yuck.



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