Friday, August 1, 2008

Twenty Wishes

Summer is the perfect time to escape into a book. One author that I enjoy is Debbie Macomber. She writes inspirational romances. I love lists. This book Twenty Wishes had a great appeal to me.I enjoyed the other books in The Blossom Street series. The story usually takes place in a book store, coffee shop, yarn store - all places that I love. The main characters grow. They make changes in their lives. That's my favorite type of book - one with great charcters. The main characters in Twenty Wishes are widows who meet after meeting in a book club. They challenge each other to work on a list of 20 things they always wanted to do but never did. They search to find things that will make them happy and fulfilled. 

I do know that the act of making a list of goals helps to make these goals begin to happen. I have started several lists - 30 People That I'd Like to Meet, Things I Want to do Once I Retire From Teaching, Things To Do Once We Are Empty Nesters- so it is natural that I would want to do a list of Twenty Wishes. I haven't listed all twenty. I'm still searching and thinking, but here is a start.

1. Spend a month at the beach (reminescent of A Gift From The Sea by Anne Morrow Lindburg)
2. Learn to knit socks
3. Travel to Australia
4. Take a cruise with my just my husband (we went on a cruise with our son and friends)
5. Go on a week long quilt retreat
6. Act as a foster home for rescued Dachshunds
7. Travel to New England in the Fall
8. Quilt on a long-arm machine
9. Stay in a bed and breakfast

I can just see my husband's face on some of these wishes. LOL

Start making your list. What are some of The Twenty  Wishes for your life? Please post on your blog or comment on my blog. 


  1. I love the book - so much that after I read it, I downloaded it from the library and listened to it. I am working on my list of 20 wishes.

  2. I will have to check that book out! I love to read and have been looking for something new lately!

  3. I got you covered on #5..I'm going to work on my list..will post on my blog.


  4. I'll work on my list and post too. Great idea! I think one of my wishes is that Moda will start making ugly fabric LOL!!!!!

  5. You can come visit me in New Hampshire in the fall. It's gorgeous here in the fall. B&Bs are fun too.

  6. You have inspired me. I have only posted 7 but I am thinking of more.


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