Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Getting New Parts

I apologize for being such a poor blogger this past month. I've been battling problems with my right hip for the past couple of months. I met with the orthopedic guy again in July. At that point, he said it was time for "total hip replacement." The timing was terrible. When you work in public schools, you try to schedule these things during the Summer. This plan would not work for me. I decided to schedule my surgery for tomorrow August 27th. This would allow me to attend all the beginning of the year meetings and work with all our students for media center orientations.  I just did not anticipate how exhausting it would be trying to walk and do my work. But it's done! I took care of what I needed to at school. Now, I can take care of my hip. New body "Parts" can be a good thing. I'll be a slacker for a bit, but promise to rejoin the blogging community once this is over.


  1. New "parts" are a good thing! It is very hard to maintain the pace and furry of normal life when you are in constant pain..I know this because WHY??

    I'm so please you are takin care of business tomorrow. Rest well, don't push it, do the rehab and get back to life when you can...everything can wait!

    Looking forward to coming to see you while you recoup! I'm a good nurse!


  2. Eep! My mom is a teacher, too, so I'm all too familiar with holding off on major medical things or home repairs until summertime. Best of luck with the surgery and the rehab! Do what the physical therapist (PT) tells you, and follow the precautions strictly. I have worked with many, many hip replacement patients (I'm a speech therapist) and seen the best and worst case scenarios, and what happens when you don't follow the doctor's orders or PT's recommendations. :D

  3. Wishing you the best as you go into surgery.

  4. Congrats, you now join the beeping at the airport security gang.

  5. Hope you feel better fast Becky, always love checkin in to your Blog, Hugs, Mary

  6. Was thinking of you today, Becky, as I knew your surgery was scheduled. I hope all went well and you'll be running foot races soon! Or at least able to function pain-free! Big Hugs!


  7. You have been in my thoughts all of yesterday. I hope you were able to sleep well last night. Let me know when you are up for visitors-also call me if you need anything

  8. Thinking thoughts of a quick and easy recovery. (Do I dare tell you my sister the librarian went back to work 10 days after hip replacement??) Don't do that! Recover!!

  9. Glad to hear you are on the mend, Becky! You have to cheer on your Tigers!


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I will try this post again.

    Becky, I am praying for your family as well as my own. May God keep them all safe.

    And take care of that new hip and let us know how you are doing.

  12. Hi, Becky. I was just checking in to see how your family in LA was doing during the hurricane. I hope you are recovering well from your hip replacement.

    I have asked my blog readers to keep our families in their prayers.

    Take care!


  13. Glad to hear from your email that you are on the mend!!! Let me know if you need anything.


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