Sunday, November 2, 2008

Stash Enhancement

It was so much fun!!! Adding fabric to my stash and another project to my list. Yes, I'm headed in the wrong direction, but.... I was helping a friend. That sounds like a good one doesn't it :)  A quilting friend is downsizing her stash. She had a wonderful garage sale on Friday. Actually, this is her second sale. She also had a table at the guild sale in July. Yes, I must confess. I attended all three sales. I couldn't attend the last couple of sales at Sweet Home (I hated missing the last Freaky Friday this weekend ) so this is my consolation prize. I purchased some yardage for backs. The lime green flannel will be cozy on the back of a project. I've been thinking of doing a red and white project. I've resisted in the past,

 but the kit with backing and pattern was too much for me. The pattern is from a American Patchwork & Quilting Calendar from 2004. I actually have the calendar with the directions. But this one is not the only red and white kit that spoke to me. Brenda who blogs as the Quilting Cowgirl met me at the sale. There was another kit with red and neutral fabrics that we both liked. There was fabric for two lap quilts. We purchased this  kit and will split it. It will be fun to work on it together. 

My sewing room has been a wreck. I've not put away projects or newly aquired fabric. Yesterday, I realized that because my room was such a mess I was reluctant to sew. This afternoon I made some progress. I put all the projects and fabric on my sewing table away. I put books and magazines back on the shelf. Much better!!!  I did spend a couple of hours working on one of the T-shirt quilts for this year. I ironed the stablizer on the back of the shirts and then trimmed the shirts.  Next time, I'll begin sewing the frames around the T-shirts. The strips are cut and ready to be sewn. 


  1. My sewing room is an absolute disaster-I just keep throwing things in there. I have the kitchen almost cleaned up but got no sewing done this weekend-no excuse-it just didn't happen! I need to work on a prroject for Kris-a bag that she wants from an Amy Butler pattern-it is cut out but got no further. Glad your back in blog land!

  2. My sewing room is really messy right now too but I'm not sure why I didn't get much sewing done this past week - I seem to focus on quilting or piecing but not both. When I had just one room for my longarm and sewing machine, I would alternate between the two during the day but not any more.

  3. I can't stand clutter, so my sewing room doesn't usually get too messy. It's always a good feeling to get things picked up though when it does. I have to say though that I have a couple of friends whose sewing rooms are pretty cluttered, and I usually love going over there! So many interesting things to look at!


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