Sunday, December 21, 2008

Two down, one more to go....

I've been hand-sewing the binding on this quilt for months. I did a couple of inches every weekend watching football games. Guess I made the stitches too small. Anyway... this one is completed. It's for my husband's sister. We will spend Christmas day with them. I'll give it to her then.   I love this quilt. It's hard giving this one away. Of course, I do have enough fabric left-over to make one for me.The pattern is from McCall's Quilting magazine June 2005. The original quilt name is Star Light. My regular quilt holder is still sleeping. Rusty said, me hold the quilt? 

I need to machine sew the binding on my neice's quilt. My work was so poor yesterday morning that I put it aside. Decided I'd better wait until later today so I would do a better job. 

The tote bag pattern is a design by Penny Sturges. It is called Charm Party Tote. I gave it to Kathy last night. She was speechless for a little bit. That's always a good sign :)  


  1. I love this quilt! I really need to make one too; add it to the list. Rusty looks adorable and matches the stars! Enjoy your time off this week!

  2. I love this quilt too. I am thinking that I need to find that pattern. That quilt will go with the body pillow we are doing. It would look dynomite ona bed!! You are really on a blogging roll.

  3. Love that quilt . . the pattern and the colors. Looks like it's a good match with Rusty so you might ought to keep it!

  4. I thought it was cats you had to keep off quilts. Lovely present, lucky sister in law. And congratulations on your author meet and greet. keep recovering, love your posts.


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