Friday, January 16, 2009

Sweet Home Field Trip

Ok. I know I'm almost a week late giving my report/confession on my trip with Karin to Sweet Home last Saturday. It all began with missing the pre-inventory sale, a gift certificate for Christmas and Karin announcing a trip on her blog. I HAD to have my fix. I started my list of "things I needed" so I would resist some of the temptation. I committed last year to a project with our fourth grade students. They wrote to authors requesting their autograph. Each author was given a six inch square of muslin to autograph and illustrate if they choose. I found some library looking fabric earlier in the year from another online shop. I needed coordinating fabric for the sashing, cornerstones and borders. Karin helped me in the decision-making process. Two or more quilters adding input to a project always improves the final project. The white square have the autographs, the blue is for the shashing around the blocks, the black with white ABC letters is for the cornerstones, the green is the inner border and the book fabric is for the outer border. The muslin blocks are really dull. These bright colors will help greatly.

One of my goals for this year is to try new things. I've wanted to do more hand applique (sorry Karin, I know it's the A word for you) and stitchery. I don't do either enough to improve.  When I discovered the Mystery Block of the Month by Anne Sutton (Bunny Hill designs) on the Bunny Tale blog, I knew I had found the right project. I can also mix cotton and wool which I've wanted to do since seeing BOM project Kristie and Gretchen worked on in the past. I found a small piece of white wool to use in the first block. I wanted to try the Roxanne's glue and needed some ecru pearl cotton. Sweet Home had all three items for this project. I also picked up the last month of the Ring in the New stitchery BOM from last year. Let's not talk about how many of those I still need to complete.

Sweet Home has begun a new program with special incentives called Sweet Card. I am now a card carrying member. There was a new pattern perfect for jelly rolls. Melisa had just received the fabric. I did resist on that one or at least for now I have resisted. 


  1. I took one look at the basket pattern and couldn't resist. I'm trying to finish up UFOs, not start new ones! :-) Still, I downloaded the pattern. Too cute.

  2. Such a thrill to see Sweet Home on someone else's blog besides my own! Love seeing that picture!Can't wait to see the library quilt done. The fabrics/colors you've picked will make a terrific quilt. And I, too, have succumbed to Anne's BOM. Her designs are so wonderful and I'm doing mine in all let's see if I can keep up!


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