Saturday, February 28, 2009

"The Crud"

Hi Friends,
Please ignore my silence. I have several ideas for my blog, but I've picked up some kind of virus or  "head cold." I've been sneezing even with an antihistamine. My throat is raw. I thought I'd get lots of sewing and blogging in today, but..... I keep returning to the couch to rest.

Here's hoping that I'm over the worst by tomorrow. My current project, Michael's graduation T-shirt quilt is calling from the sewing room. 

The weather guys are predicting snow tomorrow in Georgia. What a shock that will be to our flowering trees and plants. 


  1. Hope you get over the crud quickly. It will be cold here too. -8 tonight with a high of 22 tomorrow. And we have snow on the ground, no flowers jumping out of the ground.

  2. Hope the crud leaves soon and you can get back to that great quilt

  3. Oh Becky,
    I hope you are over your crud soon. Maybe a snow day tomorrow will help and give you another day of rest.

    Can't wait to see Michaels Quit.



Thank you for visiting! I do appreciate and enjoy your comments! Happy Sewing!