Monday, February 16, 2009

When Eating an Elephant...

When eating an elephant take one bite at a time. Creighton Abrams

I've admired the weekly and sometimes daily goals of Mary, Judy, Lori  and Pat. I don't write weekly goals. I usually have a monthly mental goal of a project that I'd like to complete. Some weeks I get lots of sewing time and others not so much. All projects take longer than I anticipate. 

Saturday, I decided to spend the day sewing. As I was working at the sewing machine, it occured to  me that a plan that might work better for me would be to list the various steps of the project or projects that I needed to complete.  I have 3 quilts that need to be completed before the end of May. Given a choice these are not the projects that I would choose to work on at this time. I listed all three projects in a Mead compotition book from the school supply section of the grocery store.  I then listed all the steps needed to complete each project. If I  only have a couple of minutes to sew, I can look at the list and go right to the next step that I'm ready to tackle. I'm hoping this approach will help motivate me to finish these projects so I can work on other quilts. Breaking down each step is like eating an elephant, one bite at a time.

This week is one of after school meetings and two night events. I probably won't get much sewing done, but this will help me squeeze in a couple minutes here, a couple minutes there.

We are having glorious weather here in Atlanta. Both yesterday and today, I had to get outside in the sunshine and just walk. Some of the trees are beginning to bud. I saw some daffodils blooming in a neighbor's yard. I've had enough of grey, dreary days. Hoping we have lots more days like today.


  1. yes, breaking the whole project down ito steps makes it easier. instead of saying "I need this quilte done by June 1st" it will be --- sewn the 9 patches all together and trim next. Not near so overwhelming. And with the complettion of a step, go do something you REALLY like to do.

  2. and it's very SATISFYING to be able to cross those steps off! Lots of pressure from your pencil, draw a fat wide line thru that step! DONE!!

  3. Oh my goodness, I'd forgotten how early spring comes to Atlanta. No signs of it here.

    Good luck with the list. I have to be careful with mine that I don't do all the things I like to do first and then end up just with the things I don't like so much which is pretty much what happened this month.

  4. Its daffodil time in South Carolina too.

    I am so with you on setting the goals. I have always been the kind that had one machine work quilt and one hand work quilt going, and finished those before starting another. Since blogging, I have so many things in process and see so many more that I want to do and spend way too much time on the computer - - what's a girl to do???

  5. Heard the weather report this AM-Spring may be delayed a bit but I noticed that those trees with pink buds are beginning and the robins are back as well so not too much longer Smurfette!

  6. You are being so sensible with your "elephant eating". I'm sure you will get the projects done now that you have them written down in steps. I am still working on Orange Crush and hope to get it done soon! My daffodils and forsythia are blooming too--spring and allergies:( are almost here.


Thank you for visiting! I do appreciate and enjoy your comments! Happy Sewing!