Sunday, April 12, 2009

Back From Louisiana

Hi Friends! I'm home and trying to recover from my many miles of driving to Louisiana and back. I had a fabulous visit with my Dad. It was probably the best visit that we've had in several years. It looks like he has accepted the move to his assisted-living facility. He is eating better meals and getting his medications on a regular basis. He still has the dementia and other health issues, but things are better there.

 I had some wonderful visits with family members. We just always get better visits at Spring Break and Summer vacation than at the holidays. My cousin Connie brought my Aunt Tee (Uncle Cleveland's wife) to visit me at Dad's place. It was super visiting with them. I "rented" the guest room at my cousin Glen's house. Had lots of great visiting with Glen and his wife, Mary, in the evenings. My last evening in Lafayette, Glen made an out-of-this world crawfish pie :) I was quite content with half my serving, but had to eat the whole thing. Just couldn't put it down the garbage disposal. 

April is a great time to eat crawfish in Louisiana. The evening I arrived at Dad's apartment, the assisted-living facility had a crawfish boil for the residents at noon. Dad had a platter in his refrigerator for me. I warmed them up in the microwave (never did it that way before) and ate every last one:) Only in Louisiana, would the home for the elderly have an actual crawfish boil.

I had lunch one day with my cousin Bobby's wife, Nikki. When Glen discovered that I was a quilter, he called Nikki. She is an art quilter. She brought a "chuppah" she designed for her son's wedding. What a work of art! I so wish I had a photo to share with you. Next trip, I hope to visit her at her studio where she dyes her own fabric.

I had lunch on the return trip with my MIL. She is at another assisted-living about an hour an a half from my Dad (in Marksville, Louisiana)  Although she is older than Dad, her mind is sharp and her mobility is somewhat better. I was able to drive her around  to do some shopping. My lunch was fried crawfish with seafood chowder. I'm on tuna, chicken and salad this week :)

I'm pretty much without pictures for this trip. I did bring my camera. I'm learning the hard way that I should at least locate and read parts of the manual. I didn't realize that my camera battery had a special charger. I will now include the charger in my travel bags or put the battery on to charge before I leave home.  

1 comment:

  1. OK now I am really hungry. My leftover potatos and salad are no match for crawfish.


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