Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Week of Celebrations

This past week has truly been one of Celebrations! Last Saturday, our nephew graduated from the University of Georgia Law School. The graduation ceremony was held under the ancient oak trees on the UGA campus. 

This is my SIL (Marion's sister), her husband Bobby and the elated graduate, Brandon.

Sunday brought an additional reason to celebrate. High school seniors in our son's graduating class attended a Baccalaureate ceremony. It was their first opportunity to wear their graduation gowns. The speakers, music, and event were inspirational and touching. Our son Michael is in the center with two of his closest friends. All three were in Symphonic Band and Honors classes together. Sunday evening, we attended a graduation party for Marion's nephew. The newest family member baby Kate was in town from California for the graduation. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take any pictures of Kate :(
Monday through Wednesday was one big celebration at the elementary school that I work. From popsicle parties for classes returning all their library books, a third grade class throwing water balloons at their teacher because they all passed the state CRCT test, fifth grade celebration with awards, fifth grade parade with our principal riding her bike because the fifth graders all passed the CRCT, to the family picnic on the school grounds and students limboing under the limbo stick to the next grade - it was a week of honoring student achievement and accomplishments.

Wednesday evening, was GRADUATION. Our youngest son, Michael completed his high school education. We were blessed with family (our oldest son, Marion's sister and brother-in-law ) and our neighbors and friends, Kathy and George taking time to attend the evening graduation. It was held in the high school football stadium. Schools in our part of Georgia have huge student enrollments. Michael's class was just under 600 students.

Here's Michael just after the memory-making event. Here we are in the stadium. That's Marion, me, Janice, Bobby and our son Jason.

Thursday and Friday were days of completing yearly reports, cleaning, sorting, throwing away and packing away for the Summer. One more day of work, Tuesday, then it's finally Summer Break :)))

I sewed a bit this morning. Cut out a new project would be more accurate. A nap won for the afternoon. I slept for almost four hours. What a wonderful week! On Wednesday, we played music from Kool in the Gang, "Celebration." It truly was a week of "Celebrations."


  1. Congratulations to all the graduates AND parents!

  2. Wow! You did have a lot of celebrations this week! Congrats to the new graduates!

  3. Congratulations to all the grads in your family!

    And yeah to the end of another school year!

  4. Congratulations to the graduates!

  5. Congratulations to Michael and the other graduates! I know that you're proud of him!

    Yeah! Just one more day of school this year!

  6. Congrats to Michael! You sure had a busy week!! So happy for you to have one more day of work and then you are free for the summer :)


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