Monday, June 29, 2009

On My Design Wall Monday

Another project has been freed from it's plastic container prison. This is my version of Orange Crush, one of Bonnie Hunter's Mytery Quilts. This project has only been in a container for about a year. The blocks were all pieced and ready to be arranged. This week I put the blocks on my design wall. I'm loving the combination of the cool colors (light green, bright blue) with the bold warm color, orange. I have begun sewing the rows together. It's a big quilt and doesn't fit on my small design wall. I'm having to use my king-size bed to double check that I have the rows right since they are arranged on point. Saturday, I purchased the border fabric. We choose the blue and black fabrics to help mute the colors in my quilt top. I used orange because I had some great orange fabric left-over from a raffle quilt that I sewed for DS's high school marching band (school colors - orange, blue and white) My boys like blue so I'm hoping that one of them will decide to talk me out of this quilt :) Sewing borders is the part that I will have to motivate myself to do. Maybe by setting a small goal each day I'll get the entire top finished this week. I also need to do some cutting for a couple of additional projects this week. Next week is our all-week Stitch-in. It's easier to have the cutting done ahead of time and just sew during the stitch-in.
Have a great Monday!


  1. you know I wouldn't have thought to use those colors together but I love it, great job.


  2. Nice colors, glad to see you are finishing this one. It is quite an accomplishment! I gave mine away and actually miss it!

  3. Yikes, I was working on this a long time ago - I wonder where/or which pizza box it's in. I really have to get around to labeling the boxes as I was struggling this morning to find a project to put on my wall!

  4. Great! I'll bet that this is going to be a favorite quilt in your family! I don't enjoy borders's boring!

  5. Your quilts looking great!!

  6. Looks great!!! I just need to put borders on mine. Now you have inspired me to get it done!

  7. I love Bonnie's patterns! Your's looks really the colors!


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