Monday, June 8, 2009

Peace in the Mountains

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

 Robert Frost's wonderful poem kept going through my head on our sewing retreat in the North Georgia Mountains near Blue Ridge, Georgia. Peace. Quiet. Humming sewing machines.
Brenda, Pat and I spent three fun, productive days with no distractions at Brenda's mountain home. 

On the way to Brenda's house, Pat asked me "Do you think it has air conditioning?" Hmmm. I think Brenda would have told us if it was that rustic. Well, Brenda and Joe's "cabin" was a wonderful mountain retreat with air-conditioning and a dishwasher. We traveled several miles off the main road, through the woods, to their "subdivision." Once we were at the cabin,

the only other living creature we saw was the deer that came each evening at dusk to eat the corn that Brenda set in the clearing. Not one car, voice, animal - other than the three of us and our sewing "babies" - our little machines. We brought cooked food, but that was just because we needed to eat. There was coffee, wine, diet cokes, blueberry muffins, spaghetti pie, salad, chicken and more. On the second day, we never got out of our p.j.'s. Bra's were discarded almost immediately once we arrived :) 

Ironically, all three of us - Brenda, Pat and I - had major surgery in the last 12 months. We had "parts" taken out and parts replaced.This "me" time was need by each for us. The peace and quiet was so healing.

I worked mainly on my Autumn Ridge project from the book, The Best of Black Mountain Quilts. I probably did more reverse sewing (Pat helped me in that department, too) than actual block construction. I did finally settle into sewing one colorway log cabin block at a time instead of trying to chain-piece several at a time. The project is well on its way. I have it organized to resume sewing this week. I must have miscut one of the gold/tan/yellow logs. I couldn't find it once  at the cabin. Of course, I didn't bring extra strips so I had to move on to my other project. I'm making Pat's Strawberry Pie in blue and white fabric - left-overs from my Blueberry Pie Project. I'm renaming this one Blueberry Ridge. It's in great shape. I'm ready to pin the 16 patch blocks. I'll do that in the evening while watching TV with DH. 

Brenda has unique moose and bear items in the cabin. I kept noticing one-of-a kind items that I hadn't noticed before. This towel rack in the bathroom was one of my favorites.

Click over to Brenda and Pat's blog to read their accounts of our wonderful, peaceful, blissful retreat! I "borrowed" some of their photos for my blog. Thanks, ladies for an unforgetable three days!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all!

  2. Your retreat looks and sounds heavenly. I'm so glad you had that opportunity.

  3. We will definitely plan another trip to the mountains.


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