Tuesday, July 21, 2009

And the Winner is ..... # 1

Yes. The winner of the book give-away is #1. I've been reluctant to post a comment for give-aways when I was the first one. This time it worked for #1. I used the random number generator on random.org. The number it choose was #1. Krousegirl (Jenny from Indiana) was the first person to leave a comment on the give-away entry. She is the winner of the Cleaning my Sewing Room Give-away books. I had to take care of another problem at the post office, so the package is already in the mail to Jenny. Thank you to everyone who commented, became a blog follower and blogged about my give-away. It was reassuring to have longtime friends participate. I also made some wonderful new blogging friends. It was just plain fun.

I loved reading your comments on ways that you recycle. Here are some of the ideas that were shared:
Donate to local elementary school artroom
Bring magazines to offices (lawyer, doctor, dentist)
Use plastic grocery bags as liners for garbage cans
Rinse out ziplock bags. Reuse them until they begin leaking.
Upcycle clothing into purses or quilts
Donate clothing to thrift stores
Donate sewing items to project that teaches women in other countries (Mexico) to sew
Share children's books with younger children in extended family
Crochet sheets into rugs
Bring books to workplace for Relay for Life sale
Utilize charity pick-ups from your front doorstep
Use selvages to tie plants in the garden and yard
Use batting scraps to dust
Bring books to local nursing home/assisted living facilities
Share quilting items and books with blogging friends! (my personal favorite:)

Again thank you for giving me so much pleasure and joy with your comments! Take care!


  1. Wow Becky, you sure did get a lot of great suggestions on recycling.

  2. Thanks again Becky. Im eagerly awaiting my new books in the mail! What a lovely give away, and another lesson in recycling. Really appreciate your generosity!


Thank you for visiting! I do appreciate and enjoy your comments! Happy Sewing!