Monday, September 7, 2009

Christmas Lights Part Two

Slow and steady wins the race. That's what it felt like with this step of Christmas Lights. This step was really rather easy, but I managed to complicate it, but losing some of the pieces from Step 1. I think I made all the parts in Step 1. I just didn't have 8 sections to finish the blocks. Of course, I had plenty of the needed fabric so I stopped and made the blocks that I needed. They'll probably show up the next time I'm searching for something in my sewing room. Oh well, I'm liking my blocks for this mystery quilt. In about a month, the next issue of Quiltmaker magazine should be available to see the final quilt. It feels wonderful to have something completed!!!! I also hemmed a pair of pants for DH and hemmed some fabric for our school counselor. All three of these items have been on my list for too long. Now, I can think about the next project I'd like to work on. It's a Thimbles sewing weekend in just a couple of days!!!!


  1. Love your blocks, see you this weeknd.

  2. Kudos on the blocks way to keep up girlfriend.

    Tell Marion I'm coming over with my almost empty tub of rub! hahaaha Emily and Russ are addicted to it too, but I'm not giving them mine!


  3. You go girl! Your blocks look great...mine are all cut out, but not put together yet.

  4. The blocks look great. See you this weekend. I whipped up the receiving blankets quickly, thanks to you

  5. Great blocks!! See you tomorrow!!! What are you bringing to work on?

  6. Your blocks look good and you are done in plenty of time. The next step isn't out yet!!! I haven't started this one yet because I made a promise to myself that I could do this one when I finished up my other Bonnie mysteries that are in progress.

  7. Colors are so nice in your blocks. Looks like you are moving right along an a good path.

  8. Ok, comment number two for this post, I just had to blocks are done too! Can't wait for the next step.

  9. Okay, I was holding off starting Bonnie's mystery. But after seeing your blocks I've been inspired. Just what I need, another project, NOT! It's all your fault! I'm digging into the 2" strip bin now to make those 4 patches.


Thank you for visiting! I do appreciate and enjoy your comments! Happy Sewing!