Sunday, October 4, 2009

What's Your Current Project?

What's your latest quilting project? What project or projects are you spending time with? The past couple of weeks (whenI've had sewing time), I've been working on a project that I've wanted to work on for several years. The pattern is from my friend/mentor Pat Wys of Silver Thimble Quilt Company. It's a log-cabin quilt made entirely from neutral fabrics. A couple of my "dark" neutrals will either make or break this project. I like the fabrics. I'm just not sure how they will work with the other fabrics. A couple of weeks ago I choose the fabrics I wanted in this quilt, cut the strips and then it sat in a plastic bag. At our last Silver Thimbles Sewing Saturday, I spent the entire time cutting the "logs". I labeled them and then laid them on my sewing table in the order they will be sewed.

Slowly, I'm working my way around the block. I'm using Magic Sizing spray after each round as I press to help keep the blocks square. I am squaring the block up after each round as the pattern suggests.

I have the blocks pinned with the next row of logs ready for sewing.
I had hope to have some time this weekend to continue building "my log cabin." but I took a nap instead :)


  1. That quilt is one of my favorites. I love the fabrics you picked out.

  2. I have always wanted to do this pattern and I have it in my pile of patterns. Right now I am working on Christmas Lights, a Sassy 16 started at camp needs border, planning a girl scout quilt for Sarah and binding on a finished quilt.

  3. The quilt is so elegant! i am finishing up two UFOs and then I will be starting The Civil War Bride Quilt.

  4. What a wonderful project! I certainly have the neutrals for it. Your colors and blocks are just right. I am working on strings!!


Thank you for visiting! I do appreciate and enjoy your comments! Happy Sewing!