Saturday, January 9, 2010

Snow Days in Atlanta

Our snowfall in the metro Atlanta area would be considered "minimal" by other parts of the country, but for us it's a big deal. This past week the temperatures have been 20 or 30 degrees below normal for January in Atlanta. Thursday evening we received a smattering of snow - about 1/2 an inch. Friday morning was declared a "Snow Day" and our school system closed for the day. Because we get snow so infrequently, we don't have the infra-structure to support snow and ice on the roads. We don't have snow blowers, snow shovels or an adequate number of trucks to de-ice the streets. Our temperatures the past two days have been in the teens. Today, the high was 31 degrees.

I've been on the sofa covered with quilts and a warm "puppy, my Rusty." Our fireplace has been keeping us toasty warm. Sweatsuits, flannel P.J.'s and warm soups have been much appreciated.
These footprints on our deck and backyard are Rusty's ventures into the white unknown. Normally, I walk him in the street in front of our house. Since the snowfall, he's on his own in the backyard.
"Cajuns" and snow are not a good combination, but any cold weather brings out the Gumbo pots in all Cajun households. DH roasted a turkey last weekend. Turkey gumbo is on the menu for tonight. It's been cooking all day. This should do the job in keeping us warm.


  1. Glad to hear that you were able to keep warm, and had lots of good stuff to eat.

  2. Isn't it great that we have wonderful quilts to snuggle under and keep warm. hopefully temps will moderate soon. The good news is that Thimbles is next weekend!!

  3. We are having a forecast of 28 degrees for tonight, here in FLORIDA!!! Yikes! I am not used to all of the cold weather. Stay warm :-)

  4. Here in Nebraska tonight we have our coldest, -30 before wind chill. At church tonight, psstor said this past week was the week of patience, we have over 40 inches of snow on the ground, it is piled every where. NUTS. Stay warm, I'm in my chair, feet up and quilt covered.

  5. That's not snow, that's a heavy frost! Oh yes, we've had a LOT of snow and cold here lately, tomorrow the high is supposed to be 30F, a change from the -30F--60 degrees in 24 hours. Send the turkey gumbo recipe my way, it sounds really good.

  6. I made soup from two Cornish hens I found in my freezer. Love hot soup on a cold day. I also skipped dog walking the past two days, but made myself get out today. I have become a southern cold-weather wimp! I look forward to seeing you at Thimbles! Karmen


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