Monday, May 31, 2010

Design Wall Monday

It's been months since I've taken a photo of what's on my design wall. I've worked on these White Chocolate blocks off and on for months. Now that school is out for the summer, I'll have time to sew. Yahoo! Yesterday, I began putting some of the blocks on the design wall. I wasn't sure how my choice of neutrals would work, but I'm pleased. I'm experimenting with a different log cabin layout from the pattern. I'm hoping to make this one king sized to put on the bed in our master bedroom. 

I have a small design wall across from my cutting table. It usually functions as a bulletin board to hold notes and patterns. I've been working on the blocks for the Jelly Roll Sampler Quilt Along. It seemed to be a good idea to put the blocks already made on the wall to help me choose the fabrics for the next blocks. I'm liking this quilt made with Portobello Market fabric by 3 Sisters.  I don't like my choice of fabric for the sashing. It was something I already had in my stash.  May have to audition other fabrics. To see more quilt projects on design walls visit Judy's blog for Design Wall Monday.


  1. Your White Chocolate is looking great. I have always loved this pattern but haven't actually made one.

  2. White Chocolate is looking great! I really like that layout. Jelly roll blocks are great too. I think mine will end up a donation quilt :)

  3. I've always wanted to make a neutral quilt and this pattern you are using is very nice. I'm going to keep yours in mind because one day....

  4. Love the white chocolate quilt, it is looking great. Your jelly roll blocks look great to, I am one block behind.

  5. I love the White Chocolate blocks! I'm having fun doing the JRS quilt along also. You're right, the two week time frame is just right!


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