Saturday, June 19, 2010

Double Nickles and a Give-Away

Double Nickels!

The number 55

The Year 1955 

All of these  are important in my life. I was born in the year 1955. This is the year I celebrate 55 years of "a life of many blessings."  Double nickels reminds me of "nickels", quilting charms, 5 inch squares, charm packs. 
Not one,

But TWO charm packs!

Double 55's, Double Nickles, Double Charm Packs!  Please help me celebrate my birthday this week by participating in my blog give-away. When we visited the quilt shop in Blue Ridge on Monday, a new fabric line just spoke to me. It's by Moda, of course. The fabric line is "Blessings" by Brannock and Patek. I wanted to keep the charm packs for me, but I have already so many "blessings" in my life. You, my quilting friends in blogland, have been a wonderful blessing this past two and a half years since I began sharing my life with you as "The Quilting Booklady." 

My 2010 birthday give-away is 2 charm packs (double nickels) of Moda's Blessings by Linda Brannock ( my quilting  friend Carmen's mother) & ; Jan Patek, a bit of yardage from Blessings and a Scnibble pattern. The two charm packs and the yardage could be used with any of the Schnibbles patterns.  

Please leave a comment sharing with me the traditions or special blessings you enjoy in celebrating your birthday. One year, I attended an aerobic dance class (my first and last) to celebrate my day. Most years, I now try to take a long walk in the morning to celebrate and reflect. I love having cake to celebrate birthdays. German Chocolate is one of my favorites. My family often has a special dinner to celebrate in the evening. Sometimes we go out to eat at a restaurant. Sometimes, we cook a special meal. Grilled steak or salmon are two of my favorites. My sister-in-law often joins me one of the days in the week of my birthday for lunch and lots of visiting. A quilt shop visit is often on the agenda for my special week. This year should be no different:)

I'd love to have you become one of my blog followers. Becoming a follower or letting me know that you are already a Follower, will add an additional chance to win.

Thanks for helping me celebrate this special "Double Nickel" year ! I'll announce the winner sometimes next weekend. Take care!


  1. "Double nickle" is a great way to celebrate your 55th! I do hope you have a wonderful birthday.

    Years ago I always celebrated my birthday with a bubble bath, cup of tea, and a good book. It was my time to relax & enjoy. But lately, it has been a nice walk on the beach. Fun to take time, reflect, and appreciate.


  2. My birthday is usually celebrated with me being able to do what I sewing! DH gets Chinese food for dinner and it is a pretty low key day for all. I do think upon what I would like to do in the coming year. I am already a follower ;o) kristie

  3. Happy 55th birthday!
    I always try to get a little sewing in on my birthday. And we always get together with my husband's family to celebrate each birthday, going out to eat a special meal together.

  4. Happy Birthday Becky. My hubby always sends me flowers for my birthday. I never had birthday parties growing up, so when my children came along, I always planned parties for them. Guess I was making up for the ones I missed :-) And did you know that you can now get a Senior coffee at McDonalds?? Hope you enjoy your special day!

  5. And I am a faithful follower :-)

  6. Happt Birthday! In our family we get to choose which home made family dinner we want to have then I make dessert. So when it is my B-day my mom gets a german chocolate cake (my favorite!) from the bakery for us to enjoy.

  7. Happy Birthday!! What a creative way to celebrate your birthday. I hope to win charms and that pattern looks like fun.

  8. How neat of you to share your birthday with us! My birthday is the day before the 4th of July, so we usually celebrate with fireworks. As a kid, it was so much fun to get the sparklers out a day early!

    Sandy A

  9. I just became a follower, too!

    Sandy A

  10. In my family the person having the birthday gets to choose how they want to spend the day. It's still a family day, so everyone has to indulge the birthday person. They also get to pick their meal, homecooked or restaurant of their choice.

    Lynn D

  11. Happy Birthday and enjoy all the 55 and over senior discounts. My family takes me to our favorite mexican restaurant every year on my birthday. Next year I think I'll shock them and change the plan.

  12. I just became a follower of your blog. I read usually through quilter blogs on google reader, but now I'm following you.

    Lynn D

  13. Hey Becky ~ I too was born in 1955 and turned 55 in January. I celebrated on a cruise (the next week actually) with my DH, and my daughter, son-in-law and grandson who had just turned 1 on Jan. 6. It was a birthday to remember. I am a follower on Google Reader (Pat showed me how to use it). Google Reader is great. It shows new blogs as soon as they are entered so I don't have to scroll through my list anymore for updated. Hope to see you at Stitch-In next month. Ann W.

  14. Yay for another year! And what a nice giveaway. Thanks for the chance. What suburb of Atlanta? I used to live in Marietta and work in Smyrna (I'm from Colorado). But, Husband is a die-hard UGA fan. I hope you'll still consider me in the giveaway. :)

  15. Happy Birthday! I don't have any special birthday traditions, but I celebrate my half-birthday, which is also my coming-to-America Day - the day I was adopted!

  16. Congratulations on your Birthday! Last year, we went kayaking on my birthday...this year, we plan to bike 46 miles...cause that is how old I will be!

  17. Love your blog. Especially quotes from the books you read. Already ordered them fromthe library. Happy Birthday!! Jill

  18. Happy birthday dear friend. You know I read and follow you all the time. And my birthday is just 7 days away as well! So good being with you yesterday-keep on making those nine patches. I need to start mine

  19. Happy 55th Birthday! My husband and I have been celebrating our birthdays at Iguana Mia...birthday person eats FREE!

  20. Happy birthday! This is a great post! Don't enter me in the giveaway (for obvious reasons), but I hope you had a wonderful 55 day. Karmen

  21. Happy Birthday Becky! How kind of you to share your bounty with us! Blessings looks beautiful, and I think I will have to have some even if I don't win - LOL. Around here, our traditions includes your choice of meal for Sunday "family dinner" - my choice is always spaghetti & meatballs. And, the birthday celebrations get stretched out to last we week! I've enjoyed being a follower of your blog for a while now!! Thanks again and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    We always do special cakes for our Birthdays, as we try to restrict our sweets all the rest of the year!

  23. Happy Birthday Week!!! My family always has birthday weeks, why only celebrate for one day???!!! You probably know that I love getting halloween cakes for my birthday; that's my favorite tradition. Can't wait to hear about your birthday week fun all week! (You know I'm a follower on your blog ;)

  24. Hi, Becky. Every year on my birthday, my sister takes me out to dinner at our favorite restaurant. My daughter and granddaughter call and sing happy birthday. And I buy some fabric! Fun!

  25. Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy and remember this year as something special.

    I have passed my "double nickel" birthday but I still enjoy taking the day off from the office and doing what I want; however, it is usually Christmas shopping since my birthday is in December. The nicest part though is everyone else is working and there are no crowds or lines and I do enjoy shopping without all the hassle!

  26. I thought I was already a follower but apparently not. I do read all your posts though. I also signed up as a follower for sure this time.
    I hope your double nickel birthday is a wonderful one.

  27. I am a follower as well as a subscriber on bloglines!
    happy, happy birthday...
    always love starting my birthday celebration meeting friends at starbucks for coffee,
    birthday person in our family gets thier choose of restaurant to go to (for years I chose where the kids really want to go, now that they are older they will be surprised this year where I want to go to!) This year they will bake my birthday cake, this should be interesting!
    Hope you have a wonderful double nickel birthday!

  28. my favorite way to spend my birthday is with a chocolate cake from the german bakery in Indianapolis, they are the best. but alas I now live on the Florida Gulf Coast and Indiana is just to far to drive for a cake so I bake my own. My dear husband alsways gets me a special piece of jewelry and take me out to dinner..

  29. Opps almost forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, have a great day.

  30. What a fun birthday giveaway idea! Hope you have a blessed birthday and a great year to come filled with lots of wonderful experiences! The best thing we could do on my birthday is just to spend it together as a's harder and harder these days as the kids get older, so any time we get the chance, I'll take it!! Happy Birthday!

  31. Hope you have a wonderful birthday. I love birthdays, I usually manage to stretch them out a full month. On the day, I always have a cake, "store bought". When growing up it was a treat to get something from the store, and that is what I always wanted and DH still gets for me. I love all of that gooey icing. Have a great day.

  32. Happy Birthday "double nickels" blessings. My favorite birthday tradition is to have a good meal especially with a chocolate type cake. German Chocolate Cake is my favorite, but I also like really chocolaty cake so long as someone else makes it for me. The last few years I take my mother out for lunch to celebrate my birthday. Thank you for this great giveaway.

  33. Hi Becky and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!! It appears we read some of the same blogs! Happy to have met you via our mutual giveaways and looking forward to enjoying your blog in the future! Have fun celebrating!

  34. Happy Birthday!! Thank you for the wonderful give away!

    For my birthday last year my friends took me to see Elton John :) It had been over 30 years since I had seen him live and it was wonderful! He still puts on an amazing show


  35. Happy Birthday!!!! My birthday is celebrated with my family and this year I would love to get things I like - fabrics :-)) Greetings from Slovakia :-)

  36. I enjoy being taken out to dinner for my birthday (so I don't have to cook!) and of course cake and presents. Thank you for the giveaway and happy birthday!!

  37. Happy 55th Birthday! This year I will be 50 years old. Like every year I will celebrate with my family and all our friends.

  38. My birthday is sometime shared with Father's Day [like this year]! We will have a special dinner, usually something on the BBQ. It is the birthday persons choice!

  39. Happy Birthday!!
    I'd love a chance to enter your wonderful giveaway - I usually celebrate with my family :)
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  40. I am following, Thanks!
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  41. Cool way to do your birthday! We celebrate all 17 birthdays in our family with lots of food, cake and ice cream! Sometimes, someone even gets a birthday pie! LOL!

  42. Happy Birthday, Becky. I'll be 66 in two weeks and I've celebrated a number of ways, over the years. My favorites are either a great family dinner, or a cruise.

  43. Wow, I'll be 55 this year and hadn't even thought about 1955. My birthday is always a family day, no eating out, I want everyone at home together. And there must be chocolate cake.
    Happy Birthday!

  44. Happy birthday! We don't really have any special traditions for birthdays around here. We do always have the grandparents in for the kids' birthdays though. Does that count? LOL Thanks for the giveaway! :0)

  45. Oh...and I'm a follower too! Thanks again! :0)

  46. Dear Becky--congratulations on the birthday and retirement. Do you have any special plans during your retirement?

    Birthday are pretty quiet here. Ken wants a chocolate cake. For mine, I enjoy eating out and maybe a movie. A good book. Maybe some sewing!

  47. Happy birthday Becky! Oh my, I just got lost in your blog! Love it! I'm a follower now! I'll be back soon~ have a great day!

  48. I can honestly tell you that I wish I had your birthdate. You visit my blog periodically so I'm unsure if you've heard my complaints in December. :-)
    Wishing you a very happy birthday WEEK....I give a week and not a day! :-)

  49. happy happy birthday!

    i hardly celebrate my birthday- to buisy with kids and so
    but i hope to celebrate it in the futer when life colmbs down

  50. Happy Birthday and thank you for hosting such a great give-away.

    My birthday come smack in the middel between Mother's Day and our wedding anniversary, and now I have granddaughter whose bday is one day after mine, and a daughter-in=law whose birthday is 3 days letter. We celebrate the whole month of May it seems, and I love it.

  51. I'm wishing your a belated Happy Double-Nickel Birthday!! What a great idea to have a give-a-way for your birthday! You know that I'm a follower of you.


Thank you for visiting! I do appreciate and enjoy your comments! Happy Sewing!