Saturday, July 10, 2010

Charming Girls' Quilt Club

A year ago, Kelly from the blog Charming Chatter began an online club, The Charming Girls' Quilt Club. The online club appealed to me, but it wasn't realistic for me to add something to my schedule at that time. Kelly has announced a new year for the club, included with the sewing goals are personal growth goals. A year makes a big difference in life. I'm in a transition stage from working full-time as an elementary school librarian/media specialist to full-time retired educator :) I'm exploring lots of POSSIBILITIES. I love lists (especially crossing off completed items) and setting goals so the CGQ Club is a good fit at this time for me.The club members post their goals for a two month period. I like that flexibility. The July/August Club Goal is 

Here are my goals for July/August
1. At the top of the list is MOVEMENT. I have inherited my Dad's arthritis and joint problems. Sitting for too long a time period is a big problem. My goal is to WALK  outdoors or Ride my stationary bike for a minimum of 20 minutes a day. The stationary bike is great for the summer heat. It's inside in the air-conditioning:) I can do it anytime of the day. I love walking in our neighborhood. My Walking Parter, Rusty, needs to move too. He's put on a pound or two in the last year and that's not good for his back.

We've already hit the streets of our neghborhood a couple of times this week. When we get home our tails and tongues are dragging:)

I did order some new walking shoes. 

They are turquoise blue and wonderfully comfortable. Pink on my walking socks helps sorting laundry in my mostly male household. Walking is also good because it gives me time to think, reflect, and pray.

2. I've had some scheduling problems with my yearly mammogram. The center canceled on me and I canceled on them a time or two. I need to get it on my schedule again and show up this time. I did see my Primary Care Physician for an annual physical in June. That's a big check DONE on my list.

3. Explore POSSIBILITIES for life after the time that "Teachers Go Back To School" in early August. This is when I will begin to feel what retirement will mean for me. I don't want to commit to activities and responsibilities too soon. I want to explore activities (water movement classes)  trips (Houston Quilt Festival) and volunteer opportunities (book fairs, church, guild, neighborhood) It's been since my college days that I had any flexibility in my schedule.

4. Blog more frequently. I love blogging, have many ideas and photos, but haven't developed a consistent habit.

5. Clean one drawer or closet daily

7. Read books on dementia and take notes for my brothers and SILs. Our dad has advanced stage dementia. We thought some of his actions were because he could always be a bit stubborn. We are learning that his behavior is classic for the type of dementia he has. I'm doing the research to share with my family.

Sewing Goals
1. Finish the secret sewing project. Otherwise known as the SS Project. Also know as Mud, Stones, Men's Suit. :)

2. Sew White Chocolate rows into a completed quilt top.

3. Complete my Rural Jardin Between Charming Friends Quilt

4. Finish Imagine, my new Scnibbles

5. Finish cutting the black and white baby quilt

6. Finish cutting the red, white and blue quilt from my stash for a project in the book 40 Fabulous Quick Cut Quilts

Probably more goals than I can accomplish, but I've found that somehow things get done when I have a plan in mind.

Thank you, Kelly for this wonderful challenge. I'm looking forward to a year in the Charming Girls Quilt Club.


  1. I would love to get that much done in two months! The good news is the goals can always spill over if necessary (I love to cross things off a list too).

    I'd love to hear of any good books you read on dementia - or sites you find.

  2. You are so organized! Very good ideas and goals! Karmen

  3. I will have to try a schnibbles...I have so wanted to do one. Love all of your work and thanks for stopping by.

  4. Becky,
    A lot of your goals connect with what I'd like to accomplish, have inspired me to start setting myself some goals and actually putting them down on paper instead of just wishing them into existence! Best of luck to you and can't wait to read more about your progress in all this!

  5. have a lot planned, all great goals. I need to get up and start walking as well.

  6. Oh my, you have set some ambitious goals for yourself. Good on you. Me, mine right now for July is not to purchase fabric. Quilting tools are OK. LOL

  7. Good luck with your goals!

  8. Wow, you have a lot planned. I know that you will accomplish all of it . See you soon. Love the new blog look.

  9. Those are some good goals! I don't know where my first year of retirement went. Is it about time for school to start again?

  10. Oh Becky - what wonderful goals you have planned! I love that you've mixed family and quilting - and also that you've put yourself on the list! WAY TO GO! I'm looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing your pretty projects as you go! I'm so happy that you're going to join us this year!

  11. Hi Becky,

    Welcome to the CGQC! I am back for the second year with the club. Your goals look great and I can't wait to see your finishes!

  12. You are personality is so inspiring. You have a lot of good plans and everything is well organize. You are such a great person.

  13. Wow! You've got some great goals to work on! Good luck and remember to have fun! :0)

  14. Those are wonderful goals and good luck with them. I am a member of the club too!

  15. Those are wonderful goals and good luck with them. I am a member of the club too!

  16. What wonderful goals! These...any of us would love to aspire to accomplishing. Love your projects in progress!!

  17. I need to make a list! :)
    Isn't it amazing what all you can get done with a list?!?!?! Good for you!
    I love your quilts! I've enjoyed going back and reading some more of your blog tonight! Have to sign off now though, lightning! glad to have the rain! XO


Thank you for visiting! I do appreciate and enjoy your comments! Happy Sewing!