Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Debbie Macomber Books

Today is the day! The tenth book in Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove Series, 1022 Evergreen Place  was released for sale. I picked up my copy this afternoon at Publix, my local grocery store.  Debbie Macomber is one of my favorite authors. I look forward to her new releases. I even mark the date on my calendar. (I know,  pretty lame)  Two years ago, when I had my hip replacement surgery,  8 Sandpiper Way ( book number 8 in the series) was released the day before my surgery. It was a great comfort book. I read in the surgical pre-opt room an hour before surgery and in the hospital room after surgery. I could only read a page or two at a time (pain meds:) but it was the perfect book to help take my mind off the whole hospital experience.
Last November (I told you I had lots of pictures and activities I still hadn't included in my blog) Debbie was at the Georgia Center for the Book in Decatur, Georgia. Her second non-fiction book, One Simple Act: Discovering the Power of Generosity had just been released. Debbie was on a country-wide tour promoting her new book. Some people have a list of places that they would like to travel. Instead of places, I have a list of people that I would like to meet. Debbie Macomber was on my list. She has been in the Atlanta area before. This is the first time that "the stars aligned" and I was able to attend her speech and book signing. Some authors are fabulous on the written page, but not as a speaker. Debbie was an entertaining speaker as well as author. She shared stories about her journey as an author as well as personal stories in her life. Her first non-fiction book   Knit Together: Discover God's Pattern For Your Life contains some of these experiences that she shared with us. 
After her talk, Debbie autographed any and all books that we had with us. I was able to purchase a couple of her books for my MIL for Christmas gifts. 
Getting to meet and talk with Debbie was an awesome event for me. 
My dear friend Kathy (also from Louisiana) joined me in this wonderful experience. Her gift to me last Christmas was Debbie'st One Simple Act also autographed. Debbie's website  has a list of all her books and all herseries. She also has a blog. Today I received an e-mail message about a free IPhone/ITouch app (search Debbie Macomber on ITunes)  I downloaded the app on my ITouch. It's fun and informative. It  also contains the first chapter of 1022 Evergreen Place In November, Debbie's newest nonfiction book God's Guest List  will be released.

Can't wait until reading time this evening. I'm ready to read and savor 1022 Evergreen Place.


  1. I enjoy most of Debbie's books, tho I thought last year's Xmas book was awful. I do hate, hate, hate on thing about her. She gets going on about religion, and doesn't think Catholics are Christians, which is ridiculous.

    I emailed her when she referred to a "male nurse" and asked her what century she was living in!

    That's cool that you got to meet her!

  2. I'm so glad that Debbie Macomber's new book is out. I, too, have read most of her books and thoroughly enjoy them. I can't wait to get this newest release.

  3. I picked up Debbie's new book at the grocery store today, as well. I have been waiting anxiously for the is new one. I read everything Debbie writes and like you have the release dates for new books on my calendar. Not lame at all - we're just huge fans. LOL

  4. I've only read one of Debbie's books - it had two stories in it, and took place in Seattle. I'll have to try this series.

  5. Oh what a wonderful experience! So glad that you got to meet her - and to be introduced to a new author! Thanks for sharing - and enjoy your new book!

  6. How fun that you meet an author that you enjoy so much! I have to tell you that I mark my calendar for when certain quilt magazines are released so I remember to watch for them. How's the book so far? Your probably finished!!!


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