Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Days of Retirement

Monday was the first day of school in our school district. Retirement is beginning to seem real. The months of June and July have been incredibly busy here at our home. This week looks like life may slow down a bit. I received lots of advice of how to spend my first day the students report back to school. I've decided to incorporate many of those ideas into my week.
Many years ago, I was blessed to work at a school that became our first "school family." I was blessed with many, many wonderful friends. This school has an active group of employees who worked at the school and are now retired. I was fortunate they included me in their group. Monday, we met for breakfast at a local IHOP. It was fabulous to reconnect with these ladies. They were part of my support group when our son was born, when we lost my Mom to breast cancer, when we were building our family and careers. From left to right, Dottie (upper grade teacher) Dyanne (literacy coach), Evelyn (media specialist and ex-neighbor) me, Winnie Pat (paraprofessional) and Pam (school secretary). Plans are in the works to go on a "field trip" in October. What a blessing to reconnect with this group!

On Tuesday, the three of us who retired from Mulberry in May, met for lunch. It was fun to reconnect and update each other on our lives and school news. We plan to meet monthly and will include other friends who are now retired. The three of us retired from one school, but had all worked together in a previous school so we have lots of mutual friends. This photo is from the school retirement party in May. In the photo are Connie W. (assistant principal) Terri, retiree, me, Marian, retiree and Vivian, our beloved principal.

Anyone remember the cartoon "Bananas in Pajamas"? My Michael loved that program. We even have stuffed dolls in his childhood treasures box from those years. Today is "Pajama Day" at my house. Maybe, what I mean is today is my day to do whatever I want. I had one of my favorite breakfasts, whole wheat pancakes with honey and hot coffee. I'm watching the "Today Show." After I post this blog which I've wanted to do for days, I'm heated upstairs to my sewing room. Before I can even work on a sewing project, I'll have to declutter the place. I'm so looking forward to this. This afternoon I plan to watch "New Moon" from the Twilight books series. I have the DVD from Netflix. Neither my DH or DS are interested in watching it with me. I have a novel that I'd like to finish (Virgin River series by Robyn Carr) DH is out-of-town for the day. I can keep whatever schedule I want. Ah, Retirement is Good!


  1. Enjoy your retirement days, Becky. You've earned each and every one of them. :-)

  2. Congratulations on your retirement! That is fantastic! I teach high school and have for 32 years. I think I have 5 more years, or less--which would be great! I go back to school in two weeks. Enjoy--enjoy--enjoy!

  3. I bet you'll be surprised how busy you stay, and you'll wonder how you got anything done while you were working.

    I think keeping connected with your former "workmates" is a great idea. I have lunch with my former college roommates just about every month, and it is wonderful. We go back so many years that we have a special connection.

  4. Congratulations on a well deserved retirement. I'm sure you will find plenty to keep you busy. Enjoy your time and happy stitching.

  5. Congratulations on your retirement. Enjoy yourself and have fun sewing!

  6. Now it is time to live it up and enjoy the retirement years!! Congrats to you!!

  7. Hooray for your retirement! I bet you will stay very busy. Enjoy your PJ/sewing/chick flick day :)

  8. I am so happy for you! What a wonderful get together with your friends of many years...enjoy, enjoy!

  9. I am so envious. Thought about you a lot this week. Your PJ day sounds wonderful. I think I need one of those.

  10. Congratulations on your retirement! You are going to love it!!!! I retired from a school district (business office) two years ago and my life is even busier now than it has been. I have to pencil in pajama days on my calendar or I get too busy! I quilt as well, which is such a great social outlet. But the one thing that saved me when I first retired was that I found blogging. So I'm glad you already have.

    You'll love the Virgin River series by Robyn Carr. I've read them all. I actually got to meet her at a signing once. She is soooo nice.

    Have a wonderful retirement!!!

  11. Enjoy your retirement! I was a HS English teacher, and then I married and moved to Ireland. I have thoroughly enjoyed retirement.


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