Sunday, September 12, 2010

100 Followers and a Giveaway!

A milestone has been reached! Officially, there are 100 followers signed up to receive postings of my blog. How awesome! I love blogging and following blogs myself. Thrilled that all of you are following my posts. Thank you for becoming my blogging friends! Thank you, Sue of Alderwood Quilts  for commenting on  a post that you were officially the 100th follower. Since that time, I've been thinking of doing another giveaway. These past days as I've been sorting in my sewing palace, I've been looking for treasures that I am willing to share. I've been super lucky with giveaways:) I so appreciate the bloggers and shops who have so generously shared their goodies with me. I loved the concept from the book and movie of Paying It Forward . (If you haven't read the book, it's one I highly recommend) Here goes my attempt to pay it forward.

Charm Packs

Three charm packs of Apron Springs by Moda, '30's prints.
Three charm packs of Quilt Pink ( breast cancer awareness) - all charms are pink and white

Three charm packs of Hydrangea Garden by Lakehouse Dry Goods.

I know there are only 2 charm packs in each photo, but I do have 3 of each to share. I love all three of these fabric lines, but after several years on the shelf, they deserve to become quilts:) There will be 3 winners. Each winner will receive 3 charm packs of one fabric line.

How to enter the giveaway
1. Post a comment on this blog post. Tell me something about you my blogging friends. Anything you'd like to share. Also,please indicate which charm pack that you would like to win. This equals one entry.

2. For a second entry, follow my blog. Please tell me in a separate post that you are already a follower, a new follower or that you follow me in Google Reader or some other blog reader.

3. I love meeting new blogging friends and welcome new visitors. Please blog about my giveaway, that will add another chance to win.

I will be away from Thursday to Sunday. (quilting retreat!!!)  Let's have the giveaway end Sunday, September 19th at 6:00 pm Eastern time.  I'll notify the  3 winners on Monday, September 20th.

Thanks again for reading and following my blog! Your friendship and comments have enriched my life. 


  1. I love your blog! I am retiring in October and have enjoyed reading about your retirement. I am also an avid reader and have gotten some good ideas for my next book from your bookshelf! If I win I would love the Hydrangea charm pack!
    Donna in NE La.
    (soon to be NW Fl.)
    kd maine 77 at yahoo dot com

  2. I am also a Follower! Love the Hydrangea charm pack!
    Donna in NE La.
    (soon to be NW Fl.)
    kd maine 77 at yahoo dot com

  3. Oh, I do so love reading your blog! I've been so busy with things of late, I haven't been doing much blogging myself, but am ready to start again very soon.

    I am retiring on November 30, 2010 and am SOOOoooooo looking forward to it. I haven't been finding the time to quilt much lately, but also have MANY UFO's to be finished and lots of new projects to begin.

    If I would happen to be one of your lucky winners, I would LOVE to have the Hydrangae Garden by Lakehouse Dry Goods.

  4. Ok, now on to the next phase and my SECOND chance to win!

    I have been a follower of your blog for a long time.

    This time, please put me in for the Quilt Pink charms!

    Thanks so much for the chance(s). Have a wonderful time at your quilting retreat. (ALSO something I want to do when I am retired.)

  5. I just happened upon your blog. Wow! I'm sure glad I did. I love it. You have so many great ideas and I look forward to the book ideas as well.

    I would consider myself very lucky to win the Hydrangae Garden by Lakehouse. Thank you for a great giveaway!

  6. I'm a new follower from Google Reader. Very lovely blog. We share a lot of the same interests. I have two dogs, one female shorkie (Shih Tzu/Yorkie)and one male boxer. I have been quilting for about 5 years now.

  7. What an awesome milestone! Something you don't already know about me is that I used to teach martial arts in Lilburn (I earned two black belts in 1994). Karmen

  8. AND I am a follower who loves all three fabric collections, but favor the Hydrangea. Karmen

  9. Becky, we first met last Spring when you participated in My Very First Giveaway.
    When I first began blogging in June of 2007 I was mainly quilting and making art dolls. Since then I have knit many pairs of sox and have crocheted like crazy.
    I guess I am not one to keep to any one interest.
    I would love to be able to take part in your giveaway celebrating you 100 followers & Beyond.
    I am particularly partial to Hydrangea Garden and it's lovely shades of blue.

  10. I've been Following your blog since last Spring, Becky, and enjoy each of your posts.

  11. Wonderful give away! Let's see, something about me...The nephew that I made my first quilt for turns 18 today! Wow! I've been quilting for 18 years! His quilt was one my mom started and I finished it after she passed away. She did the embroidery and I did the quilting. :)

    Thanks for the chance to win. I'd love any of the charms!
    Sandy A

  12. I've been a follower for a while. I lost your blog when my 'puter crashed then a good friend told me to check Blogger for the blogs I was following and there you were!
    Sandy A

  13. How exciting! 100 followers, definitely time to celebrate. About me.....I am 1/2 of Two Wacky Women and we hold quilting retreat in Southern California. Wacky, fun-filled retreats.


  14. Congratulations! Not sure what I could tell you about myself that isn't already on my blog...I'm pretty much an open book! LOL Thanks for the giveaway! :0)

  15. I am a follower for a while now. I am listed as a follower and I follow through Google reader.

  16. Sorry about the extra comment...I forgot to say I'd love the Hydrangea charm packs! Thank you! :0)

  17. I've been reading your blog for several months now, but just became a follower.

  18. Wow! Look at those wonderful charm packs! How kind of you to give them away! Thanks for the chance to win them!

  19. Congratulations and thank you for this very generous giveaway. IF I were to win, I would choose they hydrangea charm pack. I happen to have a wonderful sister who LOVES hydrangeas and this fabric would make a wonderful something for her.

  20. I just became a follower. Thanks!

  21. Congrats on your milestone! The Hydrangea Garden pack looks so pretty.
    I am a SAHM. I love to read and do all sorts of crafty things.

  22. Love your blog! I am a new follower.

  23. Hmmm, something about me - I am a breast cancer survivor and love Hydrangeas

  24. I am a follower and have been for a while.

  25. I've been busy lately with canning. Made 2 batches of apple/chokecherry jelly; 2 of sweet relish and now making some chokecherry juice to can. Am expecting grandbaby #10 anyday now, so need to pack my bag to be ready to watch older brother when the time comes...busy life!

  26. I'm a follower and have been for a while. Oh, I'd like the Hydrangea garden charms, but if that one is chosen, any one would do!

  27. What a nice giveaway! I don't think I've ever had 3 charms of the same line~ I never thought to buy 3 in the beginning and only because of Schnibbles did I start buying 2 at the same time. :-)

  28. I am a happy follower! I love hydrangeas and my second fave is 30's. Have fun at your retreat! :-)

  29. Hi Becky,
    It is nice to meet you- I was looking at someone else's blog list and saw your nom de plume for your blog and had to check it out.
    I love the movie Pay it Forward- I am a kindergarten teacher really enjoyed the story -even with the sad ending.
    I love all three charm packs but I think I like the hydrangea one best- however your winners will love whichever one they could win..I know that I would.

    Do come and visit my blog too- you can find me here:
    Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

  30. Becky,
    I also have become one of your followers and added your blog to my blog list so I can enjoy reading your current posts.
    Thanks for hosting a lovely pay it forward giveaway.

  31. Yesterday I went to the WI Quilt Expo and loved it! So many beautiful quilts and awesome vendor wares.

  32. I love giveaways and would love to win the hydrangea charm pack. I have been quilting for 4 years and just can't get enough fabric!!! A new collection for sure.

  33. I am a follower. Quilting and books, perfect together!

  34. I follow now; yay! Forgot to mention in previous post, all the charm packs look neat. I would love to win any of them.



  37. I've never bought or used a charm pack. Perhaps it's time I did so...I'd love to win any of them but the hydrangea is my favorite.

  38. When I win, I'd love either Apron Strings or Hydrangea. How's that for confidence!

  39. I'm already a follower, you're in my google reader.

  40. I just blogged about your great give away.

  41. I am a follower (have been for a while :-)

  42. Hi Becky:

    Congratulations on 100 followers. I love your blog and would love to win any of the charm packs you are generously giving away. I have been quilting for 15 years and cant wait until I retire.

  43. I am a follower and have been for several months. Keep of the wonderful writing. I enjoy hearing about your life and your work.

  44. I have met some of the nicest people through blogs. I've only been reading for a few months, but what fun and I learn so much. I would love the win the Apron Strings. I keep seeing beautiful quilts made from the 30's fabric, but haven't bought any yet. Thanks for the chance.

  45. I've been a follower of yours through my Google Reader account.

  46. Hi Becky,
    Congrats on 100 + followers. Love your charm(ing) giveaway. I really like the Apron Strings Charms. As you know, we recently moved into a new(er) home. I've been a quilter for about 25 years. Thanks for including me in your sweet giveaway :-)

  47. And I am a long time follower of your blog :-D

  48. Thank you for this giveaway. I'm willing to win any of the charm sets as have gifts to make. My personal favorite is the Hydrangea Garden set. Little something: I recently began making quilts beginning to finish. My mother told me that at about age 5 she would give me a needle and yarn and let me "quilt" on the corners of a quilt. I used to trace her templates on fabric and cut them out with scissors. Now, we are "modern" with rotary cutters and rulers.

  49. I enjoy reading your blog. I see on your blog list you read my sister's blog (Robin Quilts etc) as well as her partners (Wackywoman). Congratulations on 100 followers.

  50. I am also a follower - of course!

  51. I just saw "Pay It Forward" on ION tonight. Just was where the tv clicker landed :) I just found your blog through Jan over at Prytz Family. (Thanks Jan!)
    Love your retirement ticker! Thank you for this generous giveaway!
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  52. I am now a new follower. I love the Hydrangea Garden fabric. Have a wonderful time at your quilting retreat! (very jealous :)
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  53. My third granddaughter is arriving in February. I think apron strings would make a darling baby quilt.

  54. I'm a follower. I would choose the apron strings charm packs.

  55. Hi Becky,
    I have used the Quilt Pink charms in a quilt for my oldest granddaughter, after she found them in my closet. Added purples, made all half-square triangles, and assembled in the barnraising setting. I would love to win the Apron Strings, since my 2nd granddaughter is named Chloe.
    Geaux Tigers! Geaux Saints!

  56. I love the apron strings charm packs. They would be perfect for the 30's fabric quilt that I am collecting fabric for. I live in NH and have three children.

  57. are somethings that I bet you'd never guess about me: I love to quilt, embroider, sew...and I love books! LOL! Seriously, in answer of your question, I also love to scuba dive, snow ski, hike. And, I'm a really good couch potatoe when I can watch a romantic movie on a rainy day. Love Sleepless in Seattle!


  58. I've been following you for quite some time...and hope you don't think I'm a stalker. Love your blog!


  59. I shared insights about your blog and giveaway on my page wehre I share insights on contests & giveaways:

    I'll also tweet & share insights on Facebook (email too).


  60. What a cute blog! I love the Breast Cancer Awareness pattern - I could really make something cute for my friend Joyce to take with her and use while she is undergoing her treatments for Breast Cancer! She is almost done and such a great survivor! Thank you for sharing your stash with us!

  61. I am a new follower, thanks to the tip off from SewCalGal! I am excited to have found your site!

  62. You have some beauties that you are sharing, Thank you for "paying it forward"! I love the Hydrangea Garden!

  63. I am now a follower. I so enjoy blogging, and have accomplished so many creative projects due to the sharing of others. I'm hoping my blog can inspire others to try new things, too!

  64. Hi Becky,
    I like your retirement counter. You're almost there! I like to quilt, sew for my home, garden, read and refinish furniture. Thanks for the generous giveaway. I like the Quilt Pink.

  65. My fingers are crossed so hard to win Apron Strings! Love those vintage prints. A fact about me is that I'm allergic to chocolate - it makes my feet swell up. Weird huh?

  66. And I'm a new follower, I read on Google Reader. Thanks!

  67. i would like to win the Hydrangea Garden.

  68. What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to win any of them but most especially the charm packs of Hydrangea Garden by Lakehouse Dry Goods. Thanks for the chance to win!

  69. I love the Apron Strings fabric. Thanks for having such a great giveaway.

    A little something about me: I love to sew and quilt, although I've only been quilting about 2 years and still not that good at it). I own a tanning salon and embroidery business. I am a Clever Container consultant.

  70. I now follow you. Wonderful blog!
    I love apron strings

  71. I am a follower. I love all the charm paks. Really like Apron Springs

  72. I live in the wonderful state of Texas. I am retired and also disabled. Love to create.

  73. I live on a fixed income so your give away will give me a chance to create something new.

  74. Hi, I'm Paula from Lisbon, Portugal and I just found your blog. I'm a beginner in quilting and I would love to win the charm packs of Apron Springs. Thank you for such a generous giveaway!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  75. I'm a new follower!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  76. Congratulations! 100 followers - that's fantastic! Quilting, cooking (that includes eating-LOL!) and reading are my 3 very favorite things to do! Thank you so much for the giveway - I'd love to win the Hydrangeas!

  77. You've been in my feed reader, but now I'm a follower! Have a great time on the Quilt Retreat!

  78. Great idea! Love all of the charm packs.

  79. Oh I so enjoy following your blog. You have given me lots of inspiration. Keep up the good work & if you could just send the Apron Strings charm pack my way I would be oh so grateful. It's my kind of style & it would look great in & compliment my stash.

  80. I am a quilter, a cross stitcher (no not an angry stitcher), a Project Linus afghan crocheter, a wife, a mother of two grown daughters, a grandmother of two boys, an avid reader, and have recently become addicted to blogland! I would like to win the Hydrangea Garden charm packs!

  81. Hi - I am a mother of three college students and a new quilter.
    Congrats on 100 posts! I love the Apron Stings charm pack.
    Thank you for the generous giveaway

  82. I am also a new follower

  83. I have been sewing since I was little, but I've been quilting for the past 16 years. I also enjoy reading, gardening, and traveling within the U.S. I have 2 grown children - 1 boy and 1 girl. I like the Quilt Pink or the Hydrangea charm packs. Thanks for having such a great give-a-way.

  84. oh, absolutely would love them all but the hydrangeas are just so lovely and remind me of my grandma!! she always had hydrangeas growing under her kitchen window. big huge blooms that just intrigued me along with the tiger lillies she always had, too. what a combo. thanks for the chance to win. i'm a grandma now but i'm not at all successful with hydrangeas--have a climbing one, but it just doesn't bloom--could sure use my grandma's advice on these!!

  85. i'm blogger 120--my, how you're growing!! that's great and your site is wonderful. thanks for the opportunity in this giveaway. have a great day!

  86. I love the Hydrangea Garden fabric! I have a black thumb or I'd plant some in our backyard.That is the charm pack I would choose if I were lucky enough to win.Thanks for the opportunity!

  87. I am a new follower. I'd love the Hydrangea Garden packs. Thanks!

  88. Oh you already know about me :) I think Apron Strings is calling my name.

  89. I'm a new follower! I'm Lindsey, have a 2-year-old little girl and a little boy on the way (due January 19), and I love to craft! I'm a beginner when it comes to sewing but really am loving it! :)

    I would looove the Apron Strings Charm Pack!

    ladyufshalott at yahoo dot com

  90. Hi! I've been a follower for awhile. DH and I just finished painting LR, DR, and 3 BR in our house and I am looking forward to some creativity in my newly organized sewing room. I love the Hydrangea Garden. I had bought a stray fat quarter of the top fabric of the charm pack and did not know what line it had come from. Hope I win!

  91. I am truly amazed and in awe of the quilting blogs that I have discovered this summer! Thanks for a chance to win an awesome giveaway - I love all the charm packs but if I had to choose one, it would be Apron Strings.

  92. I am a new follower having only discovered you today! Looking forward to your future posts! Thanks for the chance to win an awesome giveaway - I would love, love, love to have the Apron Strings. Thanks!

  93. I just wanted to say YEAH....100!!! Enjoy your week!!

  94. I included your giveaway in my blog today:

  95. Congrats on 100 followers! I'm new to the blogging scene and am finding such a wealth of information!! I would LOVE to win the Hydrangea Garden charm pack! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  96. Congratulations! And what a GREAT giveaway. I'm still a beginning I would LOVE to win my first designer fabric! And they are ALL adorable!!! And it's a tough choice, but I think my favorite is the hydrangea garden, I think that would be SO FUN to quilt with!

    Congrats...and thanks again!!! :)

  97. I am a new follower! I love the Hydrangea Garden pretty! :)

  98. I blogged about your giveaway!


  99. i am in El Paso, to follow blogs and get inspiration..i would love to have the apron strings..thank you for this chance

  100. i am a new follower of your blog...hope to get much inspiration

  101. I love mystery quilts and to finish the projects I start! I also love a good giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!

  102. I am now a follower...oh and you can suprise me with which of the fabric--I am not picky! SMILE!

  103. Hi, I just found your blog. I can't think of a single color that I don't like since I began quilting almost 4 years ago. I have just fallen in love with all colors, although purple is still my favorite. I also love pink, so I would be interested in the Quilt Pink charms. I just finished piecing a quilt I call Pink Dreams. I do enjoy working with that color. Winona

  104. I have become a follower. I love quilting, books, dogs, and cats. I figure we have quite a bit in common. Winona

  105. Found your blog via Pat Sloan's blog and oh so happy I did, love it! Your charm packs are yummy too!

  106. I am now officially a follower as well! WOOT WOOT

  107. My blogging friend Cindy is an inspiration to me. SHe is a dotting grandmother and helps her grandchildren as much as possible. Thank you for the chance to win. The hydragnea is my favorite flower.

  108. I also found your blog through Pat Sloan and glad I did. Love your giveaway and really,really like Apron Strings.

  109. Liked your blog so much that I just became a follower.

  110. Well, I've been a quilter for about 4 years now but the most exciting news is that I will be a first time grandma in February & would love to make something with the "Apron Strings" charm packs.

    -debby chester ny

  111. I just found out about your blog through Pat Sloan's blog. I love to quilt and read. All the packs are nice but I really like the hydrangeas. Thank you for the chance to win.


  112. Congrats on your 100++ followers !
    I am a french quilter in middle of nowhere in heart of Auvergne and I travel & find inspiration with blogs around the world. My favorite is Apron Springs, never made quilt with 30' !

  113. I love the apron strings. I have been wanting to do a quilt in 30's fabrics. We live in a small log cabin in South Dakota.

  114. I love 30's fabrics, so I would choose the Apron Strings charms.

  115. Big ol' congrats on hitting the 100 mark! I'm adding my name to the followers pool because I really think this looks like one worth a read! Thanks :)

  116. I am a new follower. Really like the hydranga bundle. Would be perfect as my bedroom has that as a "theme". Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  117. Just found you! woo great blog and I would love to have the "apron strings" charm pack( lately I have been making aprons to give a gifts and think I could create something to compliment my new obsession!)

  118. I am a follower and like the Quilt Pink Charms. I've been quilting for about 10 years and don't use a lot of pink, but using these char, packs would help me try new color combinations.

  119. Congrats on 100+ followers! I think I could have fun with the Apron Strings Charms.

  120. Hi! I've stopped by from Pat Sloan, who mentioned this giveaway. I had to come check you out! Anyways, if you draw my name, I'd pick the apron strings fabric! Now I shall go spend some time browsing your blog...

  121. I just found your blog via Pat Sloan's. Love it and congrats on 100 followers. I don't have a blog but might consider it in the future. Would love to win Apron Strings packs. Thanks, Veronica

  122. Just became a follower. Have a great retreat. I love retreats.

  123. I am a new follower as of Wednesday, September 15th.

  124. I learned of your blog from So many quilts, so little time - a fairly new blog from my all-time favorite quilt teacher. My first retirment project was to relocate to Texas, secondly, I learned to quilt. Both changed my life! Your Blog list is fascinating. My favorite of the charm packs is Hydrangea Garden.

  125. I would love any of the charm packs. I have made several quilts with charm packs, alternating 2 colors of sashing around the light/dark prints, and they have all turned out really nice. I make them and give them to friends who have been diagnosed with cancer and are undergoing chemo...they help keep them warm during the chemo treatments.
    thanks for the giveaway!

  126. I don't blog (I wouldn't know WHAT to say!) but I read LOTS of blogs daily! I just put YOURS on my list. I HEART hydrangeas so would love to win those charm packs. thanks for the opportunity.........

  127. Hi I am a new follower. I have just been getting back into quilting. I like the hydrangea garden charm pack.

  128. Congratulations on 100 Followers! I've been quilting for about 12 years now...before that I was a weaver and basket maker. I just love those Hydrangeas, what a beautiful quilt they would make with those wonderful colors!

  129. Congrats on your 100 followers. I'm a new blogger and a long arm quilter. My choice would be the apron strings charms, thanks

  130. !00 followers! That is great! About me, I love to quilt, but I also love to read, I need to take a peek at your book shelf. I am always looking for a good book. My favorite color is Pink so I think you would know which cham packs I would like. Thank you so much for this chance.

  131. I am so happy to have found a new blog to follow!!

  132. Hi Becky,
    It's so kind of you to offer this fun giveaway. I'm a magazine writer and quilt book editor by day and an avid quilter and dollmaker by night. I love all your charm packs but would especially love to win the Apron Strings or Quilt Pink pack.

  133. I quilt as a hobby but I do enjoy it very much. I work full time so quilting and reading are my two interests. We do not have choice of fabrics like the way you do but we do get by. There are no jelly rolls or layer cakes in my part of the world!

  134. Hi Becky,
    I am a grandmother raising my 4 year old granddaughter. I have learned there is a reason we have children while we are young. She is fun in the quilting room, she loves to play with the scraps and create her own quilts. Thank you for the chance to win. I love the Hydranga Garden charm pack.

  135. I am now a follower of your Blog.

  136. I do not have a blog for public viewing so I am post about this giveaway on facebook. Hope that will count.

  137. Oh-h-h, comment 150 is a good number! I love all three choices and already have something in mind. Aren't retreats fun? We have one next week in Idaho (the Tetons). Thanks for the chance to win. Heading over to become a follower.

  138. Congratulations on your number of followers. I see it is almost to 150 now. I have been reading your blog for a while but had not until today pushed the follower button. I am ashamed to admit I'm not sure how to use the follower stuff.
    All of the charm packs are wonderful - would love any of them.

  139. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the neat things you have made. I just retired at the end of this past school year from teaching Family and Consumer Sciences. I babysit every other week day for my son and his wife. My granddaughter is almost 4 months old, and I am in heaven!
    I like all the charm packs and would love any of them.
    Congratulations on your milestone.

  140. I really enjoy reading your blog. I have always loved sewing of any kind and took up quilting about 5 years ago. I think the idea of putting out the charm packs has been great...less time cutting material and a chance to see all the patterns in one line. Thanks for the chance to win a giveway. My favorite is the Hydrangea Garden.

  141. I also just became a follower of your blog!

  142. Just discovered your blog! I'd love the Apron Strings charms. Thanks for the chance!

  143. Followers are great!

    I like the Apron Strings charm pack - I love vintage prints!

    About me? I'm a quilter! Taking a break from quilting to visit blogland.

  144. I would love to win Apron Strings. I would be happy to win either of the other two! I have been a quilter for about 15 years and am particial to doll quilts.

  145. Well hello. I'm halfway through my first ever quilt which I'm sewing for my boy (his 21st is at the end of this year) and I've been searching on the internet for fabric for my next project. I've decided on the Lakehouse Hydrangea Garden but of course its 2011 now and you must have already have done the Hydrangea giveaway. What rotten luck! If only I'd started quilting last year! hahaha.
    Anyway, if anyone knows of any of the Lakehouse Hydrangea Garden fat quarters or charm packs or anything else in the mauve/blue and pink ranges could you post a comment?
    I've got some of the panels now but am searching for charm packs and more of the backing.
    I love your blog - it is seriously inspiring.

    Isnt it lovely how so many women can connect across the world to talk about quilting??


Thank you for visiting! I do appreciate and enjoy your comments! Happy Sewing!