Thursday, September 30, 2010

Quilt Camp - Part One

It's hard to believe that it's been two weeks since Quilt Camp. Friends have attended this retreat for over 8 years. When I began my "When I Retire I Want To..... " list, attending this retreat was on my list. It is held in Covington, GA at the Future Farmers of Georgia camp center.

 I have stolen the first two photos from Karin's blog. I managed to break my digital camera less than an hour from leaving home.  Brenda and I made a stop at Sweet Home quilt shop on our way to Covington. It's not a good thing to leave the lens of the camera open and not have the wrist stap on your arm when visiting a stimulating place especially a quilt shop. While bouncing off the floor, the lens bent. Brenda was very generous and let me take photos with her camera. I downloaded them onto my laptop before we left Quilt Camp.
We SEWED! Completed some projects and almost completed many others.
I think this one is called Grandpa's Legacy. Brenda purchased her fabric for this one from Sweet Home.
We actually completed the same Schnibble's pattern. Here is our versions of Imagine. Brenda used Wrapped in Paisley and I used Maison de Garance. 
Sharon, one of the retreat organizers, taught us how to make a sewing bag with fabric and items from our "goody-bag." 
This is Brenda's bag, but my bag looks just like it. (B is  for Brenda; B is for Becky:)
But no other bag looked like Leisa's. She is one gifted woman with a needle and thread. 
Each of us was given a kit to make this cute thread catcher. I'm grateful that Brenda can follow directions and that she patiently told me each step to complete my project:)
The blocks for the new Schnibble Paganini were completed. I'm using Saltbox Harvest by Deb Strain of Moda. Love this Fall fabric!!!
A completed top including BORDERS! This is Pinwheels on Parade from Silver Thimble Company. 
Each year at quilt camp, a retreat quilt project is introduced and taught. This year's project was using the X-box ruler (I think. I decided not to start another big project) Karin's quilt using Saltbox Harvest was stunning. 
  1. Becky C.'s block and final quilt top was HOT!


  1. Looks like lots of fun! Love the Schnibble tops! :-)

  2. What beautiful quilts! I'm glad you had such a great time! :0)

  3. I see you made an ORT jar - how fun. What a great quilt camp. It really looks like you had a lot of fun and got a lot done.

  4. After all these years of quilting it still fascinates me how different the same quilt can look in different fabrics. Sorry to hear about your camera, but you got some good pictures in anyway.

  5. Hope Marion doesn't downgrade you to a Fisher Price camera :(

  6. Looks like everyone had a productive and fun time. Thanks for sharing the pics!

  7. So glad that you went. Had a great time.


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