Thursday, October 7, 2010

The "Crud"

As a lover of the Mitford books by Jan Karon, anytime I'm sick I think of the "Mitford crud." Not sure what I have had this week, but "The Crud" is close enough. It's probably a combination of a virus and my allergies. Perhaps, the unsung jewel of retirement is that I could stay home and just be sick. I didn't have to call for a substitute. I didn't have to worry about lesson plans. I didn't have to decide if I was sick enough to use a valuable sick leave day. I knew all was not well when I had to call my friend Debbie and cancel our sewing session for Monday afternoon. There's been plenty of soup and hot tea. I'm having trouble drinking my beloved Community Coffee (I knew I had something at this point) I've finally graduated to left-over fried rice and hamburger patties. Naps have been heavenly:) Gratefully,  I'm on the mend.

To make this sewing related, I did have a productive morning earlier this week. I cut civil war reproduction fabric for a swap later this month. I finished the binding on a quilt, but its a special project that I can't reveal. This is the backing so the secret is safe.

Recently, I rejoined The Quilt Show (internet TV program). While doing binding, I watched a couple of programs. I'll have to do this more often. It's a big improvement on daytime TV.


  1. I loved the Mitford books. I sure hope you are continuing to be on the mend. Take care.

  2. The other day I asked my husband for a talking computer program. He wanted to know why, so I told him I want to listen to blogs as I sew! Wouldn't that be something!

    Watching quilting shows as you bind is the next best thing though!

  3. Sorry you haven't been well. Hopefully you're recovering fast now. I agree about things like the Quilt Show, they're good to watch when you're doing something like binding, but why is, whenever I turn it on and settle down, my DH comes wandering and starts saying what's this programme, isn't there something interesting on, etc. Grr. So now I watch when he's out!

  4. Sorry to hear that you have been under the weather. I love the Mitford series - reminds me of my Uncle, the minister - lol!


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