Monday, November 22, 2010

Gone to the Dogs!

Do you remember the animated cartoon program staring "Deputy Dawg"? When I look in the mirror these days, Deputy Dan seems to be reflected back at me. A week ago, I had 3 teeth extracted AND jaw expansion surgery. As my "favorite" brother said, it's hard to imagine that Becky's mouth wasn't big enough:) I've put this surgery off for almost 30 years because I wasn't having any problems. About a year ago I began experiencing some pain from the situation. I'm spending most of my time with the elderly these days instead of my years with elementary kids. I want to be vital and lively in my 80's, so I scheduled my surgery, braces and all the other inconveniences to fix this problem. I don't want to say, I should have taken care of this, but it's too late when I get "OLD."
Wow! Did my face every swell and bruise. When I went for the check-up with my oral surgeon last week, he walked in and said, "A Bruiser." He got that right. Lots of blue, like George Rodrigues's Blue Dog (artist from my hometown of Lafayette, LA) , green, purple, black and yellow. Colors that would make a great quilt, but rather strange on a face and neck

But with prescription pain meds, I'm  as happy as Huckleberry Hound. I made the mistake of backing of the medications and doing too much. I crashed and burned this weekend. I did get some wonderful visiting time with my Silver Thimble friends, so it was worth it. I'm back on my meds, back on the couch with Dr. Rusty and trying not too talk too much (impossible). I guess when they said it would be a two week recovery period, they meant it:) C'est La Vie! I did take a photo of my face, but that photo dear friends is one that I won't post:) Just use your imagine!


  1. OUCH!!!! They were definitely serious about your recovery time. Take good care of yourself and we'll be here waiting. :-)

  2. oooo, hope you will be feeling better soon.

  3. I had braces and jaw surgery about 15 years ago (after also having had braces in junior high). Same thing - jaw pain, etc. It was well worth it. I swelled so much that I wouldn't even look in the mirror, and my two youngest children told me months later that they thought that was how I was going to look for the rest of my life. Thanks heavens the swelling went down!
    I hope you have a speedy recovery!

  4. Just think it will be worth it. Great to see you Friday night. Hope you are feeling better.

  5. Oh that sounds so painful. I hope you recover quickly now.

  6. Oh my goodness! I hope it doesn't keep you from enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday!!

  7. Oh, I am so sorry you are having to go through this. Are you going to get the funky color bands for your braces???

  8. Red and green bands for Christmas maybe?? Hope your recovery is well on its way.


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