Monday, December 13, 2010

My Favorite Things

On my car radio this morning, one of the DJ's mentioned it was National Ice Cream Day. I LOVE ice cream. As I continued to drive, I decided that I'd do an ice cream giveaway to celebrate. Hmmm! It's been record breaking cold here in Atlanta, but shipping ice cream does present a problem. I continued my errands, but in the back of my mind I was thinking about ice cream (on a day with wind chills in the teens).  I stopped with my MIL at Chick-fil-A (another one of my favorites)

 Their holiday Peppermint Milk Shakes is a family favorite (even though I think I've only tasted it once:) My DS has already had several this holiday season.

As I was sitting there sipping my hot coffee (another one of my favorite things), my brain clicked. I purchased a  gift card (another favorite thing) that should cover a milkshake or an ice cream or even something else. 

I began to worry that only folks in the Southern US would be able to use this card. I was surprise to find that all the states  in red have a Chick-fil-A restaurant.

While I was "Googling" Chick-fil-A, I decided to check on National Ice Cream Day. I couldn't find any indication that it was today. In fact, National Ice Cream Day is July 19th.

My giveaway changed from National Ice Cream Day to "My Favorite Things" giveaway:) Even though we have the fireplace on full blast, I'm wearing a heavy sweatshirt and covered with a quilt and dog, I did stop and purchase some of my favorite ice cream, Bluebell. And YES, I will treat myself on" My Favorite Things Day" with a serving of Bluebell Ice Cream. My two favorite flavors are shown below:)
To enter "My Favorite Things" giveaway for a Gift Card to either Chick-fil-A or Walmart (if there is not a Chick-fil-A  near your home), leave a comment on this entry telling me some of your favorite things.  Can you tell I've been watching the Final Season of Oprah? The deadline to enter is Saturday, December 18th. I'll visit the Random Number Generator on Sunday and announce the winner. Hope you have a day filled with "your favorite things!"


  1. Oh Wow Becky! Yes Chick-fil-A is one of our favorite things. I LOVE their Sweet Tea, and try to swing by and buy one whenever I am out and about. And they have such yummy milk shakes too! Thanks for such a fun and generous giveaway :-)

  2. I LOVE ICE-CREAM!! If my husband goes by Chick-fil-a he brings me an ice dream with chocolate sauce!! It is my favorite ice cream! I also LOVE their peach milk shakes in the summer time! Yum!

  3. I've never been to a Chick-fil-A but I've heard of them! Some of my favorite things...Dove dark chocolates, fabric, flowers, fabric, sunshine, fabric! Thanks for the giveaway! :0)

  4. HMMMM - Chick-fil-A is a definite favorite. YUM

    Blue Bell ice cream is another favorite - they have the best vanilla. YUM

    I love, love strawberry/banana smoothies from Jack in the Box. YUM

    So many other things, Becky. LOL

  5. Yum, yum, yum. Your post made me hungry. I love chocolate - any kind will do - including ice cream. Chick Fil-A is awesome, too! And, fabric, of course I heart fabric!

  6. Oh,yeah! Christmas season is the best time for ice cream with all
    the special flavors... candycane crunch, spumoni, pumpkin pie, eggnogg, etc. Too bad we don't have a Chic filet within a reasonable driving distance here. I would have put my hat in the ring.

  7. Although we do have Chick-fil-a here in Utah, I have to say I've never eaten there - no particular reason, I just haven't. But after reading about that peppermint milk shake, you can bet I'll be stopping by there soon.

    Favorite things: books, almost any bread, but homemade especially, chocolate. Trader Joe's dark chocolate covered peppermint jo-jo's come to mind also.

  8. I love chick-fil-a. My children camp out for free food when they have their giveaways. That is my grown children.

    A few of my favorite things. Ice cream! I am married to an ice cream salesman. I am on a diet. 34 lbs lost, and I keep having to fight the ice cream craving. But health issues have become my motivation. So another one of my favorite things is my treadmill. Thanks for the giveaway and eat some ice cream for me.

  9. what a nice giveaway! I unfortunately do not have a chick-fil-a - but miss them terribly (love the waffle fries!)

    My favorite things: fabric (fat free/calorie free/sugar free indulgence). But I love chocolate covered macadamia nuts... droool!!!

  10. I love Chick-Fil-A and ice cream. Thanks for the giveaway.

  11. LOL, the whole time I was reading your post I was thinking, "why is National Ice Cream Day in December?!" I guess July does make more sense. I've never eaten at ChickFil-A before, but now I'm going to have to pop in for a shake, because chocolate and mint are two of my favorite things! Along with quilts, kitties, hot tea, and Christmas movies, which is where the rest of my night is headed. :)

  12. Oh my goshhhhhh! Now I'm hungry again. I absolutely love Chick-Fil-A and rarely get to go. I bet DH would take me if I won.....grin.


  13. I love the lemonade at Chick-Fil-A. I might have to try one of those peppermint shakes. Other favorite things are all the holiday flavors of coffee creamer in the stores now. I love quilting cottons, wool, and most things primitive. I love magazines and new books from the library. My hubby thinks I have too many favorite things!

  14. Outstanding soup. cookies--crisp. chocolate. soft cotton sweater. Cashmere scarf. Seafood. Good book.Time to read the good book. My papillon. And I am her favorite "thing"

  15. Favorite things to eat? or just in general? How about a few of each in no particular order? Fabric, quilting, my sewing machine, my MAC computer, libraries and books, my kitties, snow days (don't get those here in southern AZ), Ice cream, homemade pie of any kind, fresh basil growing on my porch, and a night off from dish duty!

  16. Becky, I live in Georgia also and I love Chick-Fil-A. I also had a bowl of ice cream for dessert tonight. :) Some of my favorite things are cuddling with one of my granddaughters, quilting, and curling up in front of a fire with handwork. Thanks for the giveaway.

  17. Becky,
    My favorite things are:
    grandchildren (#11 on the way), my hubby, bonya colda, my sewing machine, and quilts just to name a few.
    Since I live in a smaller town in Il and the nearest Chick-Fil-A is 50+ miles away. So if I'm the lucky winner I would love walmart card.

  18. Becky,
    My favorite things are:
    grandchildren (#11 on the way), my hubby, bonya colda, my sewing machine, and quilts just to name a few.
    Since I live in a smaller town in Il and the nearest Chick-Fil-A is 50+ miles away. So if I'm the lucky winner I would love walmart card.

  19. I love Blue Bell ice cream. When I was in Louisiana last week and trying to diet, the Blue Bell cooler almost got me! We're doing good to have 5 or 6 flavors here but there, oh, my! They must've had at least 20 or more flavors! My favorite thing is still Dr. Pepper, even though I've cut way back on how many I'm drinking.

  20. What a lovely idea for a giveaway--my favorite things are my Savior, my salvation, and my God. Then my family, and friends--and it's the perfect time of year to sit and enjoy a treat and enjoy all these "favorite things!"


  21. I love Chick-fil-A's milkshakes, too. I really love their commercials but we have only 1 store in metro San Diego but I do get there every so often. I also love Starbuck's Chai Latte, hot or cold. And I really, really love to fondle my stash.

  22. Love a sunny day, fresh tomatoes from the garden & a stop at the Dairy Queen on a hot day.
    Thank you.
    barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

  23. My favourite things - flowers, snow and wild animals and birds. I've never even heard of this restaurant but there is a Walmart near here.

  24. no chick-fil-a here..but i love the greeter, Lew, at my walmart..he is my favorite!
    he remembers everything! i actually stopped by once when i didn't need anything just to chat. i just adore him and wish he was my grandpa!
    tattgiff at centurytel dot net

  25. We have a freezer full of ice cream year round because it is certainly one of our favorite things! Have you tried Turkey Hill ice cream? It's great.

  26. I've never had Chik fil et but I've heard it's really good. However I can eat some ice cream. like now, yum!

  27. I'm thinking that Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla could be one of my favorite, that looked good.

    My 3 year old when she saw the Christmas tree with the lights on the first time this year. She was SO excited.



  28. We do not have a Chick-fil-A near us, but it sounds so good. I do love blackberry cobbler, ice cream, and red-eyed gravy!

  29. I love Chick-fil-A grilled chicken sandwich and the sweet iced tea is delish. We have a store about 3 miles away.


  30. Some of my favorite things- used bookstores, frappuccino from Starbucks with lots of whipped cream, going out to see local bands play and cast commentaries on dvds!

    CrystalW07 at

  31. Some of my favorite things are: books, my kitty, and cake.
    amandarwest at gmaildotcom

  32. Some of my favorite things are books, cats (and other animals), my kids, my family, chocolate (!) and staying warm :-)

  33. mmm I think I just gained 5 lbs looking at the ice
    thanks for the giveaway
    I love my mom's homemade chocolate fudge and Girl Scout Thin Mint Chocolate Cookies...also love my dh

  34. I love books, cats, nachos, asparagus, the beach, and good hair days!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  35. OOOH, another ice cream lover!! BlueBell has such good flavors too! I live in Alabama so I can relate to your weather woes. It can't make up it's mind! I really do need to challenge myself to finish some UFO's in my sewing cave. Oh how I laughed when you said you had lost your notepad that the golas were written on!! As I live and breathe, the very same thing happened to me and I still haven't found mine. Southern Belles afflicted with Scarlet O'Hara fever...I'll worry about it Tomorrow!!
    Blessings and Merry Christmas! Hope I win
    Gmama Jane


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