Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Unorganized Tuesday

I usually  have a mental outline when I begin a blog post, BUT not today. If I wait until I organize my thoughts, this post won't happen:)

Last Friday and Saturday was our monthly Silver Thimble Quilt Club sewing time. Our meeting room was packed on Friday during the day, but rather fewer than normal number of Saturday. It was definitely lots of good sewing and fellowship time. 
 The newest member of our club "Toby" the Great Dane puppy who owns Kristie and Bob paid a visit for us to just drool over him.  Toby is the calmest puppy that I've ever seen. Welcome, Toby!
 We had our first voluntary "charity" sewing project. Pat supplied the fabric and those of us who had the time made string block for our local guild Quilts of Valor program.
 Here are the same blocks after Kristie worked some of her "magic" on them.
 At home, I had cut and organized several pillowcase sets for the Quilts of Valor program (plus two of my relatives who are WWII veterans). The sewing is all complete. I just need to iron and fold them neatly:) This project was all from stash. Yahoo!
This block might look lonely. I've been working on this quilt top since October 2, 2004. I actually found the receipt from the quilt shop in my plastic project book. All the block components are finally completed. Soon, very soon, my Friendship Crossing top will be completed! I made lots and lots of progress on this project at Thimbles. 
It was also time to sign-up for Summer Stitch-In. I'm just loving these days that my son is "All Grow-Up" and I can plan to attend the entire week of sewing and fun! 
Last for today, recently with the help of Suzanne (no blog) I purchased these two antique ladders. The one in the front reminds me of the ladder that hung for years in the garage of our childhood home. On Sunday, Dear Hubby and I sanded and painted the front ladder.  One more coat of paint and it's ready to begin it's new life as a quilt rack.
I'm super excited to have this to display some of my quilts in our front entryway. Just one more coat.....

Fun Giveaways:

Rae Ann from Cutie Pinwheel has a giveaway associated with her friend Lori Holt's new fabric line Sew Cherry. Ends at midnight May 31st

Jennifer from the blog "Sew...It's Midnight Mama" has a giveaway for all 21 fat quarters of the new Denyse Schmidt fabric line found only at Joann's. Ends this Friday.

Don't forget to visit Pat's giveaway and the many giveaways at Sew, Mama, Sew. Most of these end on the 25th.

Please vote for my sewing room on the Bernina Makeover Your Sewing Room page.  Still time to vote today and tomorrow. The contest ends tomorrow evening. Thank you!!!!!


  1. Love your quilt rack, you and Marion did a great job.

  2. When you finish that quilt rack will you post pictures? ALSO I need that pattern of the Valor quilt.. The string on.. Where can I find it our purchase it.
    Chris THANKS


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