Sunday, September 11, 2011

What I'm Reading

One of the blessing of working as a school library media specialist, was that my WORK involved reading. Other teachers had papers to grade. I HAD to read children's books and novels. Believe me, it was a real "hardship." (NOT)   Once I began retirement, I gave myself a year to read anything I wanted even if it was pure "fluff" and not very good literature. I read some titles that I would recommend and some that I won't admit in public that I read from cover to cover:) 

 DH gifted me with a Nook this past Christmas.
Our public library system, Gwinnett County Public Library, is fantastic. He chose this brand of e-reader because I could request e-books from our public library. I discovered the Seaside Knitting Mystery Series through my library e-books. Sally Goldenbaum is the author of the series. Each book in the series is well-crafted with a fabulous setting, unique characters and well-developed plots.
The series begins with Death by Cashmere
Followed by Patterns in the Sand

 Moon Spinners
A Holiday Yarn

and the latest edition, The Wedding Shawl. I was able to read the first four in the series on my Nook. Our library does not yet have The Wedding Shawl in e-book format.  One of the blogs that I read and follow daily is Bookin' With Bingo.  This blog features wonderful reviews, author interviews and book giveaways. I was fortunate to win a copy of The Wedding Shawl from this blog. 

Another great blog for book recommendations is Books on the Knob. This blogger keeps readers informed of e-books that are on special from book publishers or one-line bookstores. The book are often free for that day. Some are reduced in price. Most of the recommendations are for books for the Kindle, but does include books for the Nook. I've downloaded many more books than I can read, but my Nook has space for these and many more. If I think I might read it someday, I download it.

I'd love to continue sharing The Wedding Shawl with other readers. Let's do a quick giveaway for this hardback copy of The Wedding Shawl. Just leave me a comment sharing the title of a book you've recently read and enjoyed. I'll do the random number "thingy" on Friday, September 16th.  Happy Reading!


  1. I've just finished "Cutting for Stone" by Abraham Verghese. It is a really good book, and one I wouldn't have chosen on my own. My library readers' guild selected this title and I'm glad to have read it.

  2. Hi - I'm new to your post but absolutely love it. Thank you.

    I just finished reading Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman (a first time writer). Laughed and cried through the entire book.

  3. I just finished reading "A Single Thread" by Marie Bostwick. I really liked it. I have it on my Nook. My dh gave me a Nook for Valentine's Day last year when they first came out. I love it. Thanks for the giveaway and for the two blogs.

  4. Becky, are you aware of the Nook blog, every Friday a free book is offered for download. Sometimes I'm interested, sometimes not. Check it out here:

  5. I also am loving my Nook. I'm reading Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich, her latest.

  6. I've just enjoyed "The Italian House" by Teresa Crane, a suspense/romance that has been around quite a few years apparently. I'd never heard of this author previously but will be looking for more of her books as I really like the way she writes..

  7. How fun!! I just finished the Marie Bostwick series. I enjoyed that alot.

    Have fun reading!

  8. I too have read the series Seaside Knitting Mystery Series and love it! I just read The Weird Sisters and absolutely loved it, have it on my list of best reads for 2011.

  9. Hey Becky! What a wealth of information today...yay! I'm looking forward to reading some of your recommendations. The last great book I read was Crow Lake by Mary Lawson. It gives you a lot to think about. Maureen

  10. I enjoy the Seaside Knitters books too! A fun book I just read was Spellweaver by Lynn Kurland.

  11. I have been reading Debbie McCombers newest book. Loved it and would highly recommend it for light reading.

  12. I really enjoy that series, glad that you do too.

  13. Thank you for the wonderful recommendations - both on books to read as well as the blogs! I LOVE to read! I would love to have an e-reader some day, but for now I have Kindle on my PC as well as the reader from B&N. I just finished reading a Karen Kingsbury book entitled Like Dandelion Dust. Very, very good.

  14. I just completed A Drunkard's Path by Clare O'Donohue and am starting Irish Chain by Earlene Fowler. Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. Sweetness at the bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley - a fun mystery series by Alan Bradley!
    thanks for the great giveaway!

  16. I just finished the book The Silver Needle Mystery by Laura Childs. I love reading all these recommendations for good books.

  17. Hello,

    I hope I am not to late to enter. I have just read The Only Way is Up by Carole Mathews.
    Happy days.

  18. Missed you today at Thimbles. My dear son fixed my computer today so I can now leave comments and enter contests. I am so excited!

  19. I do love e-books!! Wonderful selection you are reading right now!

  20. Thanks for coming over for the giveaway. I`ve just ordered a kindle as it`s very difficult to find English books here. I can`t wait!

  21. Oh Becky~ where are you??? I haven't read any good books in a while~ I need to get to the library!!

    You are a versatile blogger in my book~

    Have a great evening!

  22. It has been a bit since I've visited....I forgot that I could get great book recommendations here! I'll be back soon!!!!

  23. I am reading All Through the Night by Davis Bunn. I just love my kindle. It is the best think in the line of e readers. I will be looking for the other books you recommended.


Thank you for visiting! I do appreciate and enjoy your comments! Happy Sewing!