Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Holiday Giveaway!!!!!!!

If you've read my blog for any amount of time, you know that I love blog giveaways. I love entering them and hosting them. In the evening while DH channel surfs, I read blogs. I've been blessed to win a number of giveaways (thank you, friends)  Just this week, I received an email from April at KoolBeenz . April does lots of neat things on her blog especially a weekly giveaway. 

I was fortunate to win a gift certificate from SkyeReve fabrics. Natasha has lots of cute fabric; but once I saw that she had Ruby by Bonnie & Camille for Moda, my decision was made.

But wait!  I've been wanting to do another giveaway and what better thing to giveaway than something I'd love to have myself. Natasha has agree to this change in the giveaway. She has set not 1, but 2 of the Ruby charm packs aside for us. The giveaway will end on Monday, Dec. 12th at 5:00 EST.  To enter the giveaway for the 2  Charm Packs of RUBY fabric, leave a comment telling me the name of a movie that you enjoyed. Next Wednesday, I'm having hip replacement surgery. I plan to watch lots of movies during my recovery period and need some suggestions.  Thanks for entering "OUR" giveaway! Thanks especially to April and Natasha for their generosity in their giveaway!


  1. I love the UFO in your sidebar! LOL!

    Well, if you like period pieces...I suggest the following...

    Wives and Daughters,
    Pride and Prejudice by BBC,
    North & South by BBC,
    Under the Greenwood Tree...and if you want any other suggestions....let me know. I have some Christmas movies too.

    Hope your surgery goes well and thanks for a chance to win.

  2. What a very fun and generous giveaway Becky.

    I hope your surgery goes well and you have a very speedy recovery. Some of my favorite movies are
    Pride and Prejudice (BBC)
    You've Got Mail
    Some of the old Doris Day movies are so funny. A good remedy for recovery :-)

  3. Comedy will help you heal:

    The Russians are Coming, the Russians are Coming; The Out-of-Towners (the original with Jack Lemmon); The Money Pit; The Long Long Trailer; and The Thrill of it All are a few of my favorites!

  4. Wishing you the best on your upcoming surgery

    What a very generous give - away

    I enjoyed the movie " THE PROPOSAL "

  5. I agree with all suggestions so far - easy recovery movies all of them (I prefer the Emma with Jonny Miller in it).

    North and South has the best cinematic kiss in it at the end.

    Maybe my all time favorite re-watchable is When Harry Met Sally. Any Nora Ephron movie is a good one too.

  6. I love When Harry Met Sally. Forget Paris is another good one along those same lines. I also like

    Eat, Pray, Love
    Notting Hill
    You've Got Mail
    Sleepless in Seattle

    Hope your surgery goes well!

  7. FIRST,I want to wish you a very successful operation+ a comfortable post-op recovery!
    Recently heard great reviews of the new movie "The Help".
    Isn't 'Ruby' one of the prettiest fabric lines to come out recently ?
    Thanks for a sweet+generous giveaway!

  8. Hope your surgery goes well and you are up and quilting again soon. Let me know if you need some company although I bet your house will be busy with the holidays & LSU games. I love watching Charlie Brown Christmas and Elf this time of year. But for some really good watching you can't go wrong Katherine Hepburn & Spencer Tracy :) Speedy recovery!

  9. If you are looking for laughs, I'd choose Elf. My DFIL had hip surgery a couple weeks ago and is going home tomorrow. Hope you have a speedy recovery too! Thanks for the fun!

  10. There are loads of great movies to watch this time of year - and people have already suggested several. For some comic relief, I suggest hunting down Pixar Shorts (on the Disney channel) when they run as a movie. All that creative energy condensed into 5 minute shorts!

  11. Every Christmas Eve DH and I watch the original Ghost and Mrs. Muir. I wait for that more than for presents, dinner, anything. Thanks for the change to win! VermontPines@aol.com

  12. Hope your surgery goes well next week. Some movies I enjoy are The Princess Bride, Stardust, and The Illusionist with Edward Norton. Charade with Cary Grant is a good one too. Even though I know who dun it, I still like to watch it. Oh and lets not forget North by Northwest, Silver Streak, and Stir Crazy. All goodies. :)

  13. Wishing you a speedy recovery - have fun watching -
    The Kings Speech
    Captain America
    Priates of Carib. 4 and
    Julia Julia

  14. I love movies! A couple I'd like to suggest:

    When Harry Met Sally...
    Strictly Ballroom (great music)
    Elf (too funny)
    Secretariat (it's inspiring)
    Top Gun (GOD BLESS AMERICA!) lol!

    Hope you have a speedy recovery. Thanks for the chance!

    Merry Christmas!!!

  15. I'd love to win. The movie the Help is good

  16. There is a wonderful movie called Being Caribou if you like animals and adventure. True story. It's available on Netflix. Good luck with your surgery.

  17. I love Elf, Little Women, Fried green Tomatoes, The Guardian, Unstoppable.

    Good luck with your surgery. I'll be praying!

  18. Becky, Bob and I both loved Moneyball. I bet you would too. I'd love to get my hands on Ruby!

  19. Good luck and a speedy recovery for your surgery.

    I don't watch a lot of movies. We rented Super 8 the other weekend and that was pretty good.

  20. Two movies that I could watch over and over again are Steel Magnolias and Twister. And, a new one to my list is The Help. Good luck with your upcoming surgery!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway.

  21. Elf would be a fun movie for you to watch during your recovery! I'm new to your blog, so I don't know you well, but this may make you smile. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  22. First of all, my prayers will be with you as you face your upcoming surgery. I had surgery for a multiple dislocated and broken shoulder from a fall I took at the end of October. May your surgeon be swift and accurate as he fixes you up good as new.

    I've been recovering since November 11 and have been watching Netflix on my computer. I've watched some of their family Christmas movies and a few of them are trite, but I'm kind of a sucker for that (especially this time of year).

    I love the movie ELF...Will Ferrell is a hoot!

    Get well soon and Merry Christmas.

    Oh, I absolutely LOVE the fabric and sure would enjoy using it.

    You are truly generous and sweet to offer this giveaway.


  23. I hope your surgery goes well. I am sure you will do great!! I have had 2 knee replacements and am so thankful I did.

    I think any movie with Shirley Temple in it is great!! Of course, there are also all the holiday movies that will be starting soon.

    Take care and don't forget your Physical Therapy.

  24. The Help just came out on DVD. I wish you a speedy recovery.

  25. Hope all goes well with surgery next week!
    Here are some faves:
    Little Women w/ Winona Ryder
    The Holiday
    Pride & Prejudice
    Music and Lyrics
    Something's Gotta Give
    Sweet Home Alabama
    Kate and Leopold
    An Officer and a Gentleman

  26. My favorite Christmas movie is National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. My favorite old movie is Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I also love RV even though I was never a fan of Robin Williams before this movie. I hope you recover quickly from your surgery. I love the Ruby line.

  27. We don't watch too many movies these days, so these are some older ones that I like:
    Dirty Dancing
    Top Gun
    Bucket List
    any Julia Roberts movie
    any Sandra Bullock movie

  28. Here's hoping your surgery ends well and recover time is swift. My all time favorite movie is 'Ever After' with Drew Barrymore. It is another twist on the Cinderella movie and when I just need some escape time... this is it.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  29. I hope your surgery goes well. I love Pride and Prejudice, Emma and White Christmas. These would be good to watch while recovering. Thanks for the chance to win.

  30. Good luck with your surgery and rest lots. This time of year I always watch the movie "The Gathering" with Ed Asner. It is a heart warming Christmas movie and I cry every time I watch it. Thanks for your giveaway and Holiday wishes to you.

  31. Best of luck with your surgery.
    My top 3 favorite movies are
    1. Back Street (Susan Hayward)
    2. Madam X (Lana Turner-not the porn one)
    3. Little Girl Lost

  32. Romantic comedy - The Holiday
    Comedy - Johnny English

  33. First, I hope that your surgery goes well and that you have quick recovery.
    There are so many fun movies out there- Do you want old or new- For sure you want to get a copy of The Help - and if you haven't read the book - read that too.. It is sensational!
    My favorite chick flicks are ones like Sleepless in Seattle, You've got Mail, Bridget Jone's Diary, Pride and Prejudice, Eat, Pray Love, Pretty Woman, and Julie and Julia
    I really enjoyed the King's Speech- Something fun would include Mamma Mia.
    Mostly fun and light-
    Take care,

  34. Good luck with your surgery.

    I liked When Harry Met Sally and The Nightmare Before Christmas

  35. I have a couple of silly but wonderful movies I love. One is Princess Bride, and the other is Adventures in Babysitting. I am not a huge movie person, but I have watched these multiple times. Thank you to Sky Reve for the generous giveaway. I love Ruby.

  36. Movies....hmmm......
    Well, I have always enjoyed While You Were Sleeping, Pride and Prejudice (with Colin Firth, not the newer ones), Bleak House, Downton Abbey (mini series), and for something different and more modern, if you like sci-fi the most recent Star Trek movie was good, and so was Super 8.

    Hope you heal up FAST FAST FAST!

  37. Hope your surgery goes well!

    Favorite Holiday movies - Elf, I love the old ones, White Christmas, Miracle on 34th street....But the series, if you need some serious movie time, you should do the Harry Potter series, from start (oh they were so cute when they were little and just started) to finish.

  38. hope your surgery goes well.
    I am not much of a movie watcher, but here are three I like:
    White Christmas
    The King's Speech
    Second Hand Lions

    Thanks for the chance.

  39. Ruby has got to be one of my all time favorite fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win some.

    I love dance movies so of course Footloose & Dirty Dancing are 2 of my favorites. Lesser known favorites are Flashdance & White Nights. Good luck with your hip surgery - yu'll be able to dance again too!!!

  40. Great giveaway! One of my favorite movies is Emma, with Gwyneth Paltrow.

  41. My favorite movie is Disney's version of "The Three Musketeers." I could watch it 100 times:) Wishing you a speedy recovery from your procedure. I had surgery on my foot nearly 4 years ago and was in a wheelchair for nearly 4 months. You will need lots of good movies to keep your sanity for the time you are down:) Thanks for the great giveaway, too!

  42. Good luck with your surgery. Wishing you a speedy recovery. If you haven't seen it, Elf is a very funny holiday movie. Hopefully you won't laugh too hard to jar your stitches. Thanks for the Ruby giveaway. LOVE Ruby!

  43. Thanks for the great giveaway. I like action movies like Armagedon. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  44. Wishing you a speedy recovery from the surgery and thanks for the awesome giveaway :D
    I loved Harry Potter!!

  45. God luck with your hip surgery! I haven't seen any newer movies lately...or if I have can't remember the titles. Some movies I like are Hope Floats, Sleepless in Seattle, and When a Man Loves a Woman

  46. Good luck in your surgery. I just watched Jane Eyre that just came out and I really enjoyed it.

  47. I hope everything goes well with the surgery.
    I haven't watched any movies lately. But I did buy the entire seasons of LOST and have already watched them ?? times. I am looking foward to wathing Bag of Bones on Sunday night (just finished the book for the 2nd time)

  48. Best wishes for your surgery!
    Ruby is one of my all time favourites!
    Films?? How about 'The Great Escape'? Something lighter?? 'Jonny English'!

  49. I like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and The Help. Hope you are feeling better soon! Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  50. I love old holiday movies, my two favorites are Christmas in Conneticut and Holiday Inn.

  51. Hoping your surgery goes well and you recover quickly.
    I would recommend the following movies:
    The Secretariat
    The Kings Speech
    A Christmas Story

  52. There are so many good movies but lately we have watched Air FOrce One , the Inlaws (the original one), Elf and WHite Christmas for this time of year. Good luck with your surgery. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

  53. All the best for your surgery. Yes, you wil need lots of movies to keep you entertained!! Some movies that spring to mind.... Julie and Julia, Avatar, The Shawshank Redemption, Harry Potter series, My Sister's Keeper, Babe, Pretty Woman just to name a few.

  54. I'm old so mine cover time and space...grin.

    Gone with the Wind
    Somewhere in Time
    Peggy Sue Got Married (I've watch this the most and I don't know why)

    Anything Harry Potter.

  55. I hope all goes well with your surgery and that you're up and about soon. There are so many great movies but my all time favourite is My Fair Lady. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  56. I am going to suggest an older movie -- An Unremarkable Life! It is a very gentle movie about two older women who are sisters and living together.

  57. If you like an adventure against the odds, try "African Queen" it's a great classic film with Catherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart. I have watched this one over many years and it never loses it's appeal for me.
    Trusting for a good report and skillful hands to help you regain your strength. God bless you!

  58. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
    Just watch the Twilight series of movies, I could watch them over and over.

  59. The Blind Side.

    Hope your surgery goes well and that your rehab does, too.

    Thanks for the giveaway - I would love to win some Ruby!

  60. Just watched Gone With the Wind for the umpteenth time. We enjoyed as a family Mr Popper's Penguins for comedy and I can get involved in just about any Hallmark movie!

  61. Good luck with your surgery, my favorite movie is The Tourist with Johnny Dep.

  62. A movie I recently saw and enjoyed was Burlesque. I hope your surgery goes well and you have a speedy recovery. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  63. I hope that your surgery goes well and that you have a speedy recovery! My favorite movie was Somewhere in Time with Christopher Reeve and also the movie Singles...Thanks for a chance in your giveaway!!

  64. You've Got Mail
    Pretty Woman
    Arthur Christmas

    Good luck with your surgery and speedy recovery.


  65. I hope your op. goes well. I am not really up to date with modern films so am unablr to help with them but I find I can always watch the "Kevin Costner" films and old films like "Zulu". Also of course are the "James Bond" films which I find quite entertaining.

  66. I'm in a Christmas mood and recommend "Elf" and "Scrooged" with Bill Murray. "Bull Durham" with Kevin Costner is good. I recently watched and enjoyed "Unknown" with Liam Neeson.

    Good luck with the surgery.

  67. At this time of year, anything on Lifetime or the Hallmark channels are good for some light entertainment. I sit & sew while either of those channels are on & it's a very enjoyable time.
    Good luck with the surgery.

  68. Hi Becky,
    I love National Lampoon Christmas Vacation. I could even bring it over and watch with you. Prayers going up for you.

  69. Ever After
    North and South (set in England; not about the civil war here)
    the new Robin Hood BBC are a few I can think of.
    Send Me No Flowers

  70. Becky - I wish you well with the surgery and a quick recovery. I still like Gone With the Wind but many others that have been mentioned sound good also.

  71. We have a Christmas Day Tradition that the first person up turns on the television, finds the movie A Christmas Story and watch it all day, over and over and shouting out the key lines all day. It is so much fun with family and friends.

  72. Becky, Here are good thoughts in advance for fast healing. My recommended movie is "Remember the Titans". Maureen H.

  73. Good luck with your surgery.
    My two best movies are.....
    1. Amelie
    2. Ratatouille

    Both sure to bring smiles on any gray day.

  74. Sweet November is a favorite of mine!

  75. My fav is The Long Kiss Goodnight!

  76. Calendar Girls, Under the Tuscan Sun, Nights in Rodanthe come to mine. Empowered women. Elf is a good holiday giggle. Positive thoughts for a speedy recovery on the hip surgery so you can get that "sewing" foot back on the pedal.

  77. I'm in the middle of watching The Holiday. A must see movie for this time of year. Also, although it didn't do well at the theaters, we watched Larry Crowne and it was a great, feel good movie. Good luck with the surgery! If you need more movie ideas, check my profile page!!

  78. I just love these movies

    Mamma Mia
    Steel Magnolias
    Mona Lisa Smiles

  79. Hello there. I loved Seven brides for Seven brothers. A bit old, but wonderful. Thanks.

  80. I like Pride and Prejudice, Emma, as well as Miracle on 34th Street. I had surgery for a broken hip and a long recovery. Rehab and following the Drs directions made a huge difference as my whole gait changed. Saying a little prayer for you.

  81. Prayers your way for your upcoming surgery. My favs are a bit dark, Times of our Lives (old black and white), Somewhere in Time, The Thornbirds, Motorcycle diaries. So I recommend my comedy list. Get the giggles and get those healing endorphines going.... Elf, Prep and Landing, and any Carol Burnett show bloopers, or bloopers of any kind for that matter. Anything that will get you to LOL :)

  82. Not a new movie by an stretch but whenever the movie "Dirty Dancing" is on I have to tune in. Good music and characters and I never tire of it even though I know it by heart. Good luck with surgery.


Thank you for visiting! I do appreciate and enjoy your comments! Happy Sewing!