Sunday, December 9, 2012

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways


The Quilter's Gallery  is celebrating it's 5th birthday!  Hard to believe! Michele Foster provides quilters a wonderful website with loads of information, free blocks, contests, giveaways.......   The party begins Monday, December 10th  (birthday number 5) and goes until Saturday, December 15th. Many bloggers are participating in this fun birthday celebration. It's a PARTY!!!!
Won't you join in the party? How? By visiting the participating blogs listed on the Quilter's Gallery blog and entering to win the many giveaways.  My giveaway is a colorful fat quarter tote (made from 2 fat quarters).

 I always thought this tote would work great for a small knitting projects, stitchery  or Lunch even! I'm sure a couple of other items will find their way into the bag for a  surprise. Love surprises!

 To enter the giveaway, share with me the title of your favorite Christmas book and/or novel. I have two novels that I like to reread during the holiday season. Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher
and Shepherd's Abiding by Jan Karon
Choosing a favorite children's book is almost impossible. The Night Before Christmas in all it's versions definitely is in the top 10 :) 

Happy Birthday, Quilter's Blog!!!!  Have a fun blog hop!


  1. Cute bag! I really like Shepherds Abiding too. Thanks for the chance to win.

  2. I love the tote bag Becky! It's such a great size. I took enjoy reading Shepherds Abiding.

  3. What a sweet that bag! My favorite Christmas book is a child's book called Morris' Disappearing Bag by Rosemary Wells. Thanks for the chance :o)

  4. Lovely bag! At my local library there is a book which is an anthology of short Christmas stories. I take it out to read every year, but I couldn't tell you what it's called.... I'll go to the library on Tuesday and check the title and let you know.

  5. My favourite book (and film!!) is 'The Snowman' by Raymond Briggs

  6. Super book bag and I need to read Shepherds Abiding! thank yoU!

  7. love those books...the cajun night before christmas sounds delightful

  8. Christmas at Harrington's by Melody Carlson. Thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  9. I like to read the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe at Christmas - not really a christmas book but Christmas is in there!

  10. I really like A Wish for Wings that Work or Santa Mouse!

  11. Cute bag! My favorite Christmas book is "How the Grinch Stole Christmas".

  12. The Night Before Christmas since I have 5 new grandkids were going to make this a tradition

  13. My favorite Christmas book is the traditional Twas the Night Before Christmas. I still have it memorized from third grade extra credit!

  14. You stole mine! I just took the Pilcher one out of the library to read. :)

  15. What a cute bag. I think Frosty the snowman and rudolph are my favorites to read to the kids. I dont think I have ever read an adult christmas novel

  16. The pop-up version of The Night Before Christmas has long been a favorite.

  17. What a lovely tote! My favorite Christmas book is called The House of Wooden Santas, written by Newfoundland author Kevin Major and illustrated with a variety of carved Santas made by Imelda George who lives about an hour from me. I have two of her Santa carvings and consider myself pretty lucky to have them since she is no longer carving them. Thanks for the chance!

  18. Thank you for such a great giveaway!! I would love to read sheperds abiding. Love the bag

  19. Love the bag. Thanks for the giveaway. I don't have a book that I read over and over but if I did I would do The Night Before Christmas.
    Good Luck to all.

  20. This may sound silly, but I read this book to my kids SO many times as they were growing up, that it's still my favorite. It's The Berenstain Bears Christmas! I would tuck it away and we'd bring it out with the Christmas decorations each year. I still have it!
    Your bag is awfully cute - great work! Have a Merry Christmas yourself.

  21. It is tough to choose Christmas books for children. Ours enjoy the Polar Express.

  22. Quilts and Books! It doesn't get better than that! My favorite is How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

  23. Thanks for being part of the hop! The bag and books are great. Thanks again

  24. Hello from Minnesota! My favorite Christmas books are actually the Laura Ingalls Wilder books...they have great descriptions of the food, homemade gifts, budgeting, parties and even an early Christmas tree. When I was little, we often got oranges (or fancier tropical fruit) in our stockings and so did little Laura - I always thought that was neat.)

  25. Lovely little purse. Oh, how I love books, too. I just got a wonderful book, vintage...The Fireside Book of Christmas Stories edited by Wagenecht (sp?) It has stories by Dickens, Mrs. Gaskell, Walter De La Mare, etc. We've been reading from it, along with the Scriptures. You and I must talk, Becky. I'm a retired genealogist with French Canadian and Indian Acadians that I know of yet....please stop by when you have a minute.

  26. Love the tote, you did a great job. I don't have a favorite Christmas book, I usually don't have time to read this time of year. Thanks for the chance to win.

  27. The Shepherd, the angel and walter the christmas miracle dog by dave barry is my favorite. That reminds me that i need to get it out to read again. I laugh out loud every time.

  28. Such a sweet giveaway. My grandmother introduced me to rosamunde pilcher and I just re-read Winter Solstice about a month ago. Such a good read. Another winter favorite of mine is Little Women!

  29. Last Christmas I read "The Mansion," by Henry van Dyke and really enjoyed it. It has a great message! Great giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  30. Although it is a teary story and I can barely finish reading it... my favorite story is The Little Match Girl"

  31. I love Merry Christmas Charlie Brown! Love your bag, jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  32. Sweet bag..The Christmas story from the Book of Matthew and Luke..Thank you for this giveaway.

  33. Emmet otter's Jug Band Christmas. Oh, it's such a great story for the kids - and it was my fave as a kid, too!

  34. Very cute bag! I don't have a favorite book to read at Christmas. I'm too busy sewing Jesse Tree Ornaments for my Etsy shop (Pink Scissors Design).

    pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com

  35. My favorite is The Night Before Christmas. It's been a favorite of mine since I was a kid.

  36. I think its called the christmas box? its a short little book was cool.

  37. The Night Before Christmas has always been and will always be my favorite Christmas book! :) Cute bag Becky! :) Thanks so much for such an awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays to You! :)

  38. Really cute bag! I actually don't have a favorite Christmas novel. I haven't read many. The last one I read and enjoyed was A Christmas with Anne, a compilation of Christmas stories about Anne (Anne of Green Gables fame). That was a really sweet book. Merry Christmas!

  39. I really like your giveaway. A colorful fat quarter tote would sure come in handy. I could run away and take some books with me - We both love Winter Soltice. Maybe a mug rug along with a thermos of hot chocolate and that book. The endless possibilities. Thank you for the chance to win and making this Party fun. Happy Holidays.

    Sandi T.

  40. Love the cute bag! I actually don't read a lot so don't have a book to recommend. sorry!

  41. I can't think of any specific Christmas books I have read recently. The House of Wooden Santas sounds like a good one to try.

  42. Hmmm, about the only Christmasy book I've read recently was Holiday In Death by JD Robb.

  43. The Christmas Mouse. I read it every year with my boys.

  44. I love the Night Before Christmas and I love the Christmas story in the bible.

  45. Hi Becky, That bag is VERY cute! I don't have a favorite book, but I do have a favorite movie, Bing Crosby's "White Christmas", And my favorite story of Christ's birth is the book of Luke. Thanks, and MERRY CHRISTMAS !

  46. Hi Becky, What a cute bag! My favorites to read are "The Night Before Christmas" and the Christmas story from Luke.

  47. Twas The Night Before Christmas is my very most favorite Christmas book!

  48. Loveteh tote bag. My favorite book is twas the night before Christmas. These days I read constantly but mostly E books.

  49. Thanks for the lovely giveaway. My favorite book to read for this season is the Christmas story from The Bible.

  50. I don't have a particular favourite Christmas book that I read every year, but I do love to hear the same carols over and over!

  51. Thank you for being in this fun blog hop. Merry Christmas. Lovely / cute bag. I don't have a favorite Christmas story book, but thanks for giving me a few ideas to try.

  52. My fave is A Pussycat's Christmas

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  53. favorite childrens book for Christmas is The Night before Christmas..

  54. The only Christmas book we read each year is The night before Christmas. Your bag is sew cute.

  55. Cute bag. DOn't really have a favourite Christmas book that I read over and over again. Once I read it, I know what is going to happen for the next time. Thanks for the giveaway.

  56. What an Awesome bag! Love it!! :) We always read Night Before Christmas, and The Polar Express last few years too. I love The Shack.

    Thanks for chance to win your drawing! :)

  57. I have to say The Night before Christmas is my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win.

  58. Great giveaway! Love the bag. We like to read The Night Before Christmas. Thanks for the chance
    to win.


  59. Your bag is very cute. I love a kids book we have about a mouse family that wants a visit from Santa, so they decorate their tree home with the other residents so they have the biggest, most beautiful Christmas tree. :)

  60. I love the fabric choice for your tote bag.
    My favorite Christmas story is Scrooge. I think there is a lesson for everyone in it. Definately, 'Twas the Night before Christmas is my childrens' book choice.


Thank you for visiting! I do appreciate and enjoy your comments! Happy Sewing!