Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ride, Ride, Ride

One of my favorite things to do in the Summer is to go for an early morning walk before it gets too hot and humid. This past year I've had problems with my right hip and lower back. Walking especially long distances is a real problem. I started physical therapy about three weeks ago. Last week, they started me on a stationary bicycle. We have one at home so I thought that was a great plan. I can ride the stationary bike, watch some TV or listen to my Ipod. Well, I remembered that I owned a regular bike. We rode in the evenings when we lived in Houston ten years ago. Atlanta terrain and Houston terrain are totally different. Atlanta, especially our neighborhood is down right hilly. We quickly sold those bikes when we moved back to Atlanta  and purchased new ones with gears. I rode my new bike once or twice. It has lived in the basement hanging from the ceiling since then. Last week, I had this brain-storm. I could ride my regular bike in the mornings. I would be outdoors and getting excercise without hurting my back/hip. I had my son take it out of the basement. He had to oil it and add air to the tires. It looks abosolutely brand-new. There is still some sticky stuff  where the price tap was on the handle-bars. Yesterday morning, I did my stretches and then headed out on my bike (Pee Wee Herman here I come)   I did great. There is one hill in my neighborhood that I just couldn't get up. I'll have to do it first thing next time while I have the energy. I had to push my bike up the hill. I was feeling very successful. I did a cool-down lap in my cul-de-sac. As I was turning into my driveway (My brother from Louisiana calls it Mount Rabalais. It's really steep.) the plastic fender jumped into the front wheel and I threwme  onto the street. I'm hoping that my neighbor across the street was not at the window. She definitely didn't run out to help. Glory, do I ever had some bruises. My wrist hurts a bit since I landed on it, but it doesn't sting as much as my pride. My hubby or my son will have to remove the offending fenders, but I will ride again:)


  1. Yikes! So glad you weren't seriously hurt, Becky. Definately get those fenders off, but don't give up on the bike riding! This brings to mind my first weekend at college (ummm...we won't divulge just how many years ago that was!) when I decided to ride my 10-speed down to the Commons area. Down being the operative word - steep and curvy street. Just as I started down the steepest part of the hill, rounded a curve and hit a pothole! Threw me face first into the asphalt! Knocked out both front teeth and a serious case of road rash on my face! I spent the remainder of the weekend in the infirmary after we found an orthodontist who could replace my teeth and add braces to hold them in place. To add insult to injury, my braces had just come off two weeks prior after seven (yes, I said seven!!!) years! I have not been on a bicycle (stationary or otherwise!) since.

  2. You go girl getting exercise..makes me feel a tad bit quilty. Maybe I should get back to walking like I used to...maybe next week. I am off tomorrow to Eatonton for a wedding. I will get back home on Sunday morning-just in time to go to Sarah's dance recital. Bailey will be vacationing at the vet (she does not know that yet)!cehefce

  3. I am so glad you weren't seriously hurt! If you hurt your hands/wrists you can't sew!!!!

  4. Exercise can be dangerous!! Watch out for the physical terroists!! Hope to see you at Sisters

  5. Good Grief!
    I'm tellin you we should think twice about taking up exercisse at the mid life point!! I'm glad you are okay! Hey I suggest the pool. It's less risky...but you do have to get wet which has its own issues.


  6. Ouch! My son was visiting from Marietta last weekend and we went bike riding - we do have some hills here in Minneapolis but not like the Atlanta area and he was commenting on how much easier it was to ride here.

    Hope it doesn't get too hot and humid too quick for you to enjoy that porch!


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