Friday, June 27, 2008

On the Road .....

I've completed my to do list for today. We leave early in the morning for Louisiana to visit my MIL for a couple of days then visit my Dad for a day or two. Both of our parents are in assisted living facilities so we having to do the hotel and restaurant bit for the entire trip. In fact the only hotel in Central Louisiana where my MIL is living is in a  Casino. It's weird having to walk through the area with the slot machines to get to the hotel lobby. Since it is Louisiana, we are guaranteed to have great food the entire trip. We are hoping to have a good visit, but both our parents are having some "ageing" issues. I have binding to sew, stitchery prepared, books, magazines, and books on my Ipod for the LONG drive. It's an 11 or 12 hour drive from Atlanta.

I didn't get much sewing done this week, but I had lots of quilt ystimulation. I visited Sweet Home Quilt shop with my friend Brenda on Monday. Tuesday, I was able to attend the Gwinnett  Guild meeting (since I'm home for the Summer)  Visited with many wonderful friends. Thursday, I shopped at Intown Quilters with a friend looking for fabric for her daughtter's T-shirt quilt.  I just looked. I actually didn't purchase anything.

I did finish two projects last weekend. I completed the quilt top of the neutral quilt for my SIL for Christmas. I have to piece the back, then it's ready for quilting. I just love this quilt. It will look even better quilted.

I pulled an old UFO out of a bin. I worked on my Good to Go bag last Friday at Sisters. It's string pieced. I used Chelsea Lane fabric by Pat Sloan. I just love the autumn colors in this bag. The bag is a design by my friend Pat of  Silver Thimble Quilt Company.       I even used it a couple of times this week. That's another project off my extensive UFO list. DONE!

I'll have limited internet access until we return home next Wednesday. Have a great weekend! 


  1. Have a great time! I hope things go well and it sounds like you are all prepared to make the long drive!

  2. Oh, goodness . . why didn't you come by and get me? Eat some good food for me. Hope you are able to have a good visit with both parents.

  3. I love my "good to go" bag. Only problem is it gets too heavy because you can get so much into it! But it is great to bring stuff to sisters!

  4. Wow you honor me..your bag is wonderful. You have done both of my bag patterns, Good to Go and Strigin Along!!! YOU GO GIRL!

    Have a great trip.

    Silver Thimble Quilt Co..

  5. Becky,
    We need to take a road trip to LA together when our hubbies can not go along!!! We could share the drive time AND the gas. I actually worked on some binding in the car when my hubby drove this week to our two-day-get-away. That's the first time I have ever done that. It accomplished two getting a little work done and me NOT criticizing his driving...hahaha!!!! Have a great time!!!! "Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez"

  6. Hi Becky,
    I am new to blogland, and have recently found yours. We have a lot in common. I'm Cajun from central LA (currently living in TX), a retired educator, a quilting fool, and bleed purple and gold (GEAUX TIGERS!)I'll be in LA around the first part of July and would love to meet you if you have time and are in the Lafayette area. Enjoy Cajun Country!
    Mona (


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