Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Checking In

Hi Friends! So sorry for the long silence between blogs. I mentally composed several posts, but don't seem to have written them. Could be the "cognitive thinking" disruption from my pain meds :) I'm at about half-capacity, but doing really good. Tomorrow will be one month from my surgery. I'm beginning to do short excursions. I've been blessed to attend some neat quilting activities. Karin from Life in the Slow Lane provided transportation to a great quilter's garage sale. It was just great getting out of the house and visiting with quilting friends. Pat from Silver Thimble Talk visited with great pizza and new projects to bind. Gretchen from Stella Bella Quilts brought awesome muffins and "treats." Brenda from Quilting Cowgirl shared magazines and dinner plus a fun visit. Krisitie from Ms. Doolitte Quilter read my heart and mind and offered to take me to Sweet Home Quilt Company. I was a bit overwhelmed with the luscious fabrics Melisa has added to her shop, but was able to find some Portobello Market yardage to go with the Jelly Rolly gift from dear friends.

I've been doing some rereading of favorite books. When I had a definite date for my surgery, I began stock-piling some Emilie Richards books. I especially like the Shenandoah Album series. I had recently read Sister's Choice her newest book. I wanted to reread the first book with the main characters Kendra and Jamie. That's the book I took to the hospital. Lover's Knot was a perfect read. I actually read for about two hours when in the surgery waiting area. Because I knew the plot, I could just enjoy the read. I am about to finish Touching Stars. I think I enjoyed it even more the second time around.

I love books by author Rosamunde Pilcher. Winter Solistice is one of my favorite all-time books. I've even listened to it on CD a couple of times. I decided to search the Netflix database to see if any of the books have been made into movies. The Shell Seekers was rather short and did not do the book justice. September was super. It was made about ten years ago. It was a great old-time movie. I just watched Coming Home. It was awesome. It was pretty true to the book. Only a couple of changes. I thoroughly enjoyed these DVD's. Any suggestions for other movies like these?


  1. Welcome back to blog land. Missed you at sisters on Friday. Hope to see you soon.

  2. So happy to see you blogging again. I can't believe it's been a month! Sounds like you are keeping occupied and staying away from daytime TV--good for you!

  3. You've been missed! But books are great to occupy your time, especially if your mind is on somewhat of a vacation from pain meds!


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