Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Quilting Fiction Books

The past couple of weeks I've read some new quilting mysteries. I first heard about author Terri Thayer from Annie Smith's podcast Annie's Quilting Stash. Annie interviewed the author.  I was intrigued after listening to the interview and wanted to read her books. Wild Goose Chase is set at a major quilt show. I liked the second book Old Maid's Puzzle  a bit better than the first. The characters are beginning to develop and form. I had the same feeling with this series that I do in Earlene Fowler's Benni Harper quilt book series. I don't always like the characters or their choices, but I seem to always read the next one when it comes out.

I did enjoy Lover's Knot by Clare O'Donohue (A Someday Quilts Mystery). I have not idea how I found out about this book. I evidently requested it from the library. I don't remember doing that either  and was surprised when I received notification that it was being held for me.  This is another "who-done-it"  mystery. Good escape from reality reading. 

In all three books, the friendships that develop among quilters was a theme. That is definitely true to life and not fiction. Enjoy! Happy Reading!


  1. Humm these sound interesting. Not much into mystery novels right now, but maybe someday.

  2. Becky - Interesting that you had the same experience I did with these books. I assume you use the MP branch like I do since it's nearest both of us. I found the Thayer books while searching subjects and requested them (and read them - also liked the second better than first - also because of character development). But then I got a notice that the O'Donohue book had come in and was reserved for me and I have no memory at all of reserving it. Interesting - either it was an automatic response from the library system or we've both reached "that age." I vote for the library system explanation!!! Ann W.

  3. I have read the first two, will have to check into the third one you mentioned.

  4. I like to see what everyone else is reading. I like something a little more off the beaten track, I love vampire and werewolf books. And I looked for the Sassy Sixteen pattern this week, didn't see it in the places I stopped, but don't need it yet anyway. I'm sure I will find it by the time I need it!

  5. I loved the Terri Thayer books! I am waiting impatiently for the 3rd book to come out. I too enjoyed the 2nd book more than the first, but I did enjoy the first :)

  6. I am enjoying O'd's book since it is set in an area where I used to live. I took Thayer's first book back half way through but I have requested the second book

  7. I will definitely have to check out those books by Terri Thayer. I've never heard of them, but I loved the Elm Creek Quilt books by Jennifer Chiaverini and the Benni Harper mysteries by Earlene Fowler. Currently I'm devouring my way through the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich. They have nothing to do with quilting, but I love them just the same! : )


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