Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day in Atlanta

What a wonderful day to stay home!  I hate driving in stressful conditions. Thankfully, our school superintendent thought today was a day for our schools not to open. Resting another day has helped in recovering from my cold/virus/whatever. I made myself vacuum the house, but then did take a small nap mid-day. I worked on Michael's T-shirt quilt most of the afternoon. Happily, I marked-off several steps. All the t-shirts are backed, sashed, and ironed. They're ready to place on the background. The background with borders was pieced as well as the quilt backing. The next step is to arrange the t-shirts on the background. I'll try to do that later this week. The tables in my media center at school are perfect for this job. I'll wait until one day after school later in the week. Tomorrow, will be a bit crazy after an unscheduled day off. It's also our day for after school meetings/staff development. What a relief to have these three projects with a May deadline well on their way. Two of them are at the long-arm quilters waiting in line to be quilted. Michael's graduation quilt is taking shape. It's at least past the part that I don't like doing. I also had the opportunity to sew  the first block in the $5.00 BOM that I started at our new quilt shop, Patchwork Cottage.  

Finally, I dug out two UFO's that I'd love to finish. I'm debating which one to work on next. That's my reward for working on these three demanding projects. I can now work a bit on a project of my choice for a bit of time. It's all a "mind-game," but it seems to work for me :)


  1. Love your illustration. Things are crazy around here today.

  2. So glad you had a productive snow day. What UFOs are you contemplating?


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