Saturday, June 27, 2009

Quilt Guild Picnic

Tuesday was my birthday. It was also the monthly meeting day for the Gwinnett Quilt Guild. I'm a member of this guild even though they meet during the daytime and I have a daytime job during the school year. I attend during the Summer months. Attending the annual guild picnic was a fabulous way to celebrate my birthday. The theme of the indoor picnic was Teddy Bear Picnic.
I was fortunate to sit at the table hosted by Suzanne. Her table was decorated with patriotic items and just stunning. She used her version of the Firecrackers quilt for a tablecloth. Here is Ginny, Ann (who will soon be in Australia visiting a new grandbaby) and our hostess, Suzanne. We had to select a table name. Our table was Teddy's Teddies, but we didn't remember to wear our teddies.

The guild provided teddy bear cupcakes for dessert. The plastic teddy bear can actually be used again to bake cupcakes (Wilton cake product) or to make a pincushion. I have the supplies to make the pincushion. Now to find the time.
Several other teacher/media specialist friends also belong to the Guild. Susan from the blog Susan's Stitches was in Tennessee helping care for her mother. Brenda, who blogs as the Quilting Cowgirl and I had a great time. I'm on the left in this picture. Brenda is on the right wearing her favorite color, red.

Debbie's mother collects teddy bears. We snatched this photo for Deb to send to her mother.

The games were fun. Our table was highly competive. We tied for the grand prize with another table. We each chose Fat Quarters to take home. This nice little stash is at home with my collection of FQ's.
Our table was also lucky in the brown bag raffle. Raffle tickets were sold for various items that folks donate during their birthday month. (Yes, I donated 16 Fat Quarters of Moda Maypole fabric and the Sassy Sixteen pattern to make a quilt top.) I'm thrilled with this project bag that I won in the raffle. It's perfect for taking individual projects to our all day sewing sessions. I actually won two of the brown bag raffles. Brenda also won a pattern with some FQ's.
The guild picnic was filled with laughter, good friends, great food and a wonderful way to celebrate my birthday.


  1. Happy Birthday and that is a agreat project bag.

  2. Happy Birthday. Looks to me like you had all the makings for a wonderful birthday. I do hope it was wonderful.

    Your bag is also fantastic. Can you share the insight on the maker/designer?


  3. Great to spend some time with you on your birthday the picnic was a lot of fun.


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