Thursday, September 16, 2010

CGQC Goals for Sept/Oct

I'm a bit behind in posting my update for July/August and my goals for Sept/Oct. It's not that I haven't worked on some of my goals. Its more about not writing a blog post:)

1. Movement - I have walked more and rode the excercise bike. It's a start:)
2. My Mammogram is scheduled for the end of the month.
3. Some drawers and cabinets have been cleaned. The cabinet under my bathroom sink was the one bothering me the most. Done!
4. I checked out a stack of books from the library on dementia. Decided to  puchase my own copy of 36 Hour Day. I have trouble making myself read it. Dementia is depressing.
Thank you, Diane for recommending this one.

Sewing projects:
1. Secret sewing project: Dark and dreary or Stoned  - DONE
2. White Chocolate - back to the design board; I attempted to sew the rows at Stitch-in; Bad Idea; I did unsew the seams yesterday. It's ready to start again.
3.Between Charming Friends/Rural Jardin - DONE
4. Maison de Garance/ Imagine Schnibbles - working on final border; Love this one!

Goals for Sept/Oct.  
1. Continue walking and riding excercise bike
2. Finish reading 36 Hour Day
3. Make string blocks for Quilts of Valor (10)
4. Cut civil war fabric for nickels swap with group due in Oct.
5. Joined LePetite - an online year of small projects;  make ironing  board cover

6 Sew Paganini - need to decide which layer cake to use

7. Blog frequently
8. Sew a UFO - any "work in progress" or "unfinished project"  :)


  1. Those are lofty goals! You're doing great. Doesn't it feel good to write down what you've accomplished?

    I do think The 36 Hour Day is very good, but I agree - hard to keep at.

  2. Those are some great goals! I notice that you are already blogging more frequently.

  3. Great goals! Sounds as if you are getting a lot of your previous goals completed!!

  4. The 36 Hour Day is the best book I ever read on memory loss. It is most helpful when dealing with a loved one.

  5. Good luck with your goals. They sound really good especially the reading - which I would be a bit depressed to read too. And Paganini looks like so much fun to make. I tried to find LePetite online but didn't see it. Would you send me the link? Thanks.


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