Friday, September 10, 2010

An Evening With Friends

Do you ever just get lonesome for some of your quilting friends? Maybe, schedules conflict meaning missed  guild meetings, quilt classes, quilt shop field-trips - whatever. This week, I was just plain missing my sewing group. Normally, next weekend would be when we would meet to sew. Well, several of us have a conflict in our schedule. Don't feel too badly for us. We're attending a quilt retreat. More about that on a later post:) Friday evening is usually a good time for me to plan to meet friends. DH attends the local high school football games (he's a Parkview Fanatic, too) but this week is an open date which means no Friday night game. It occurred to me that he had a parish council meeting on Wednesday evening. This could be a time to have my sewing buddies over to our house. I quickly sent e-mails off on Tuesday to see if anyone could meet at my home on Wednesday. Bingo! We had something planned.
Immediately, it was show and tell. Brenda shared her magnificent Halloween quilt with pieced blocks and stitchery. It's a pattern from Crabapple Hill. The quilting pattern is  spiderwebs. Too cool! We think she should display it year round.
Karin had a fabulous Christmas quilt with Figgy Pudding fabric by Basic Grey of Moda. I liked that fabric last year, but after seeing Karin's quilt I'm sorry I resisted the temptation of that fabric line. 
The back of her Figgy Pudding quilt is as stunning as the  front.

Pat has been locked away in her "quilting cave" for weeks. She brought two completed quilt projects for her new project, a book with Martingale & Company. Wish I could share those beauties with you, but you'll have to wait until the book is released. Stunning is the word that comes to mind.
Our official quilt inspector had to give his seal of approval on all projects :)


  1. Thank you for sharing your friends quilts - they are beautiful!

  2. I know exactly what you mean about missing your quilting buddies and I really enjoy having them over to sit and chat, sew and laugh, and catch up on what is going on.

    Thanks for sharing the Chocolate Eclair desert - looks delicious.

  3. You have been nominated to receive the Sunshine Award! Check it out at

  4. How fun to have a last minute good time with friends! You all are very talented indeed!!!

  5. Had a great time, love the photo of Rusty checking out the quilt.

  6. That Halloween quilt is awesome! Would it be possible for you to post a photo of whole quilt? I'm just dying to see it. Love Halloween! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Sorry I had to miss it. Rusty is too funny with his official quilt inspector duties!


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