Thursday, April 14, 2011

From Trash to Treasures

Scraps! Trimmings! Crumbs! I hate throwing them away.  I can't see spending lots of time sewing crumb blocks when I have these wonderful UFO's and future projects waiting to "grow-up" and become a quilts. The solution came from another quilter. She saved those bits and pieces we throw away and used them to stuff pet beds. It's taken some time for the project to jell, but it's taking shape. I keep a bag near my cutting table, friends like Kristie bring me trimmings from their projects and all the bits and pieces are emptied into pillow cases made from scrap fabrics.

This pillow case was made from flannel Brenda wanted out of her sewing room. When there is enough stuffing inside, the pillow will become a pet bed.
My friend Faye (no blog) used polar fleece scraps to make these beds. Rusty is the proud owner of the bright green one. Sofie, Pat's dog, has welcomed the purple one into her family room.

The majority of the beds will be donated to the our local Dachshund rescue group. The beds will be used with the rescued doxies in foster care. When they are adopted, the bed will go with them. 


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