Saturday, December 31, 2011

Traveling Stash - Giveaway

"One man's trash is another man's treasure." These words definitely describe quilters. For months, the traveling stash has been visiting the homes of lucky quilters. Like the book, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, the traveling stash adapts itself to each quilter that it visits. 
I was fortunate to win the box from Sara at Growing Stitches . I was actually in the hospital when I received the email from Sarah saying that she needed my address for an early Christmas gift. Due to the holidays and my recovery time, the Traveling Stash has patiently lived on my dining room table for a couple of weeks. It is anxious to visit another quilter.  Here are the rules for entering the giveaway for this Traveling Stash. 

Here are the rules:
1. You must have an active blog.
2. You may take whatever you want from the stash but you must replenish the box
3. You agree to host a giveaway on your blog and send the Traveling Stash on to the winner.
4. U.S. friends only please due to the shipping costs.
 The box contains a list of directions and a history  of the quilters that the stash has visited.
 It was fun to examine every piece of fabric, study each pattern, and open each bag with "bobbles and bits."
 In spite of the extreme temptation, the treasures that fit me best were some pieces of fabric, quilt labels, thread and a notion for old needles.
In place of these items, I added two older charm packs, Pampered Pooch and Hydrangea Garden, the recent Quiltmaker magazine (I had duplicates), patterns, notion for marking rows, a bag of selvages and whatever else jumps in the box in the next week.
The giveaway begins as soon as I hit "Publish" and will end next Saturday, January 7, 2012 at noon EST.  To enter, leave one comment describing your goals/resolutions/plans for 2012.  


  1. i'm setting goals to finish what I start, try my best and not not be willing to try something just because i'm intimidated -- ohh how fabulous 2012 would start if this was coming to me!! i've been following it!

  2. So much promise at the beginning of a new year! I'm hoping to expand my new FMQ skills and learn to breathe while doing so! :) Just stumbled upon your blog and am looking forward to following your journey in the the coming year. Hoping our box finds it's way down my dirt road!

  3. I already have 4 quilts either ready to finish or in the works, so my goal for the beginning of the year is to finish these quilts. After that, I want to start going through my cabinets and using up the fabric, yarn, denim and other stuff that I have by making useful items. Also one of my goals for this year is to not purchase any new fabric, yarn, whathaveyou unless absolutely necessary to finish a project!


  4. Oh, wow! How cool. I would love to have the traveling stash come to visit me. :) I'm not making resolutions this year. This year, I'm making goals. My sewing goals this year are mainly for finishing up UFO's that have been laying around too long. I've already signed up with Judy L. for her UFO Challenge, and I can't wait to get started!

  5. I am going to be divorced very soon and I am packing up my craft room right now. I will be moving out and on my own for the first time in 6 years. My goal is to be the happiest me I can be. :)

  6. My quilting goal for 2012 is to finish all projects from 2010 and 2011. I think I have 12 quilts that need to be finished. I also have a large pile of quilt blocks that need to be turned into a few quilts.

    Around the house I would like to just de-clutter everything. If it hasn't been used in the past year (and it's not from when the kids were little) it needs to find a new home.

  7. I have two large quilts (one a king size) that I want to finish, tons of small things to finish/start, and I am going to run my first full marathon!

  8. Hi Becky, Wow, you have a lot of comments already. I am going to be boring and mention UFO completion as one of my goals for 2012. Other goals include "reduce, reuse, and recycle" and take better care of myself and my family. Karmen

  9. My plan for 2012 is to start back to college at the ripe old age of 37! I start in 6 days! Yipes! Quilty goals are to complete some 2011 BOM's and several small unfinished projects. :o) I LOVE the traveling stash and hope it's finally my turn! :o)

  10. Not to sound cliche, but exercise and lose weight.

  11. Oh, count me in! I've spent the past few years making quilts for other people. This is a ME year, and I'm excited to get started. Lots of my ideas are scrappy, so the Traveling Stash is a perfect way to start it off.

  12. I would love to have the traveling stash box come visit. I don't do resolutions, words, or goals. I only hope is to have a fun journey thru this year what ever it brings.

  13. An opportunity to see into someone else's life--how could I resist!

    2012 Guidelines for me---Organize in small spots each month. Participate with other swaps/challenges in small ways. Made a 10 UFO list. And the most important one---ENJOY the process! Have fun--no stress!!

  14. For me the goals for 2012 are to continue to make happy memories with my kids and family. It's Simple but a goal I know I will reach :)

  15. My quilt goals for 2012 are to continue and expand and speed up my quilting! I want to have actual bed sized quilts made for my husband, son and me - and two baby quilts for friends. Doable in 2012!

  16. My goal is to start one new project every month (no guarantee when it will be finished). To work on my UFOs and finish at least 4 of them and to donate 12 charity quilts. I am also determined to have the Traveling Stash box visit me one day.

  17. What a great idea! Traveling Stash's really the little things in life that makes people happy. One goal this year is to make more gifts during the year for next Christmas.
    Happy New Year Everyone!

  18. It seems like I have been trying to "win" the traveling stash for a year now, I'm beginning to think it might be time to start another one! LOL Here's for one more try!

  19. My goals for 2012 is to master my longarm that I just purchased...

  20. One of my goals is to finish more than I start. I also want to try to get some of my quilts quilted - the "to be quilted mountain" is getting out of control.

  21. I have charted out my goals for the year. I am participating in several BOM projects. I am also participating in the FMQ Challenge. I have several quilt tops that I want to get quilted this year (hence the FMQ challenge). In addition, I am sure that I will be distracted by other fun projects along the way.

  22. Whew..I think I am just in time for this! My goals are related to this new passion of mine! I have a very new, but active blog and love reading blogs for inspiration. Thank you for this chance, and I look forward to getting to know you.


Thank you for visiting! I do appreciate and enjoy your comments! Happy Sewing!