Friday, May 4, 2012

Fun on Friday - Giveaway

Hi Friends on Friday! This past week I've had to stay quiet and rest. Rather rough:) I had my LAST surgery a week ago. I'm feeling good despite a chipmunk face. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to talk or eat. I'm not having problems with either one. I find myself wearing purple clothing to match the purple streaks on my chin and neck. 
Some folks would have done lots of hand sewing, but I've been blog hopping, reading and napping. This week was the fabulous blog tour from Quiltmaker Magazine featuring designers and blocks from their Quiltmaker 100 Blocks Vol. 5 issue. There is still time for your to visit the blogs and enter to win prizes and free issues of Vol. 5. 

 Visit Quilty Pleasures Blog for lots of fun and inspiration.  I love studying quilting magazines. Quiltmaker mag is one that I have a yearly subscription. My last issue arrived recently. When I renew my subscription, a free subscription is available to a quilting friend. If you'd like to win this free subscription, leave a comment on this post. I'm having to eat lots of "SOFT" food - foods easily cut with a knife. Suggest foods that I can eat. I have 5 more weeks on soft food. I'm getting bored with soup. I'd like to get this card in the mail on Monday. I'll chose a winner Sunday evening, May 6th. Enjoy your weekend and have a fabulous Friday!

Congratulations to Karmen! Visit her wonderfu blog, A Quilter Awakens


  1. Have you tried eating small pastas or mashed potatoes? Those are both pretty starchy but might be a good alternative to soup. Ice cream, pudding, oatmeal, pancakes, thin sliced lunch meat? Now I'm hungry. Get well soon!

  2. Yogurt, mashed potatoes, rice, scrambled eggs or omelets, and of course, chocolate melts in your mouth, so you don't need to chew! Good luck!

  3. How about Mac & Cheese?

    or Corn Casserole:

    Or dessert!

  4. pudding, yogurt, fudgesicles, hummus. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Olá,aqui no Brasil temos um prato típico que chamamos de BOBÓ de camarão é o máximo,mas pode ser feito com peito de frango também.É feito com mandioca,que é conhecida como macacheira e aipim,depende da região.Eu não falo sua língua,sou anta...Então sugiro que você entre na internet e procure comida típica brasileira,você vai encontrar outros pratos macios,como CURAU de milho verde que é doce.MELHORE LOGO PARA PODER COMER ATÉ CHURRASCO.Obrigada e beijos

  6. What about lasagna, squash casserole, or pasta dishes? Thanks for sharing a subscription to Quiltmaker. I love this magazine. I hope you continue to feel better.

  7. Meatloaf or salisbury steaks? mashed potatoes, rice, pasta, yogurt and smoothies? Hang in there! (hugs)

  8. How about omelettes? but I love soups! hope you're feeling better soon!
    I'd love to win a subscription if I can join in from the UK??


  10. When my brother had his jaw wired shut the doctor's suggested baby food. Bro made his own and pureed just about anything you can think of. Fix a cheeseburger and mash it all up. He claimed it was great!

    Thanks for the chance to win a subscription.

  11. Thanks for the giveaway. Some soft foods that I can think of that haven't already been mentioned are jello and poached eggs. I hope that you have a speedy recovery.

  12. Pastina, yogurt, apple sauce, pudding, eggs, creamy peanut butter and jelly on refined white bread, custards, frozen yogurt, ice cream, sherbet, bananas. Hope you feel better soon! Thanks for the chance.

  13. Looks like you have a lot of great food suggestions already. I hope you have quick and easy recovery.

  14. Glad the surgery went well. Cottage cheese, other soft cheeses, pastas, and my favourite - pudding! I'd love to have a subscription to the magazine.

  15. My suggestion would be pasta. Five more weeks of soft food......I don't know if I could take that. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway for a free subscription :)

  16. I would say baby food in flavors you like, Greek yogurt, smoothies.
    I am praying you heal quickly and without an delays!

  17. Bananas, pasta, applesauce, cottage cheese, baked potatoes without the skin, ripe avocado,spinach or broccoli quiche, sweet potato souffle.

  18. you will get tired of soft food , maybe you will get ok sooner than that thanks for the giveaway

  19. You could always put some foods that aren't so soft in the food chopper and chop them up so you could eat them. I thank you for the chance to win a one year subscription.

  20. I'm sorry you're going through this. I cannot imagine. Hope things go better for you soon.

  21. Hope you are feeling better and recovering nicely.

    Thanks for sharing all the quilt pictures.

  22. I hope you feel better soon. My suggestions are cottage cheese, mashed pears, applesauce, and fruit/veggie smoothies. I make a yummy smoothie with ice chips, 1 whole egg, 1 banana, 4-5 strawberries, 1-2 TBSP. orange juice concentrate, 1/2 cup plain yogurt, and a handful of fresh spinach. I love it, and it's a great way to get good nutrition without even tasting the spinach. Yes, it's green!

  23. OOOHH! I'd love to win the free subscription! So glad you are feeling better! Try some yummy smoothies with lots of healthy ingredients---bananas, spinach, pineapple, flax seed, strawberries, etc. They are so cool, healthy and refreshing!

  24. I hope you feel better soon Becky. Karmen

  25. Thanks for the giveaway. Spaghettos.

  26. hope your recovery is without any problems...would love that subcription

  27. Hope you are feeling better. How about pasta, jello, mashed potatoes, soup, pudding, soup, ice cream. See you soon.

  28. A friend of mine had dentures put in about a year ago, and she still cannot chew anything with them, and for her too, it's been hard to find things to eat. She is also sick of soup. She sometimes combines it with mashed potatoes, jello, yoghurt or scrambled eggs, but even that has its limits according to her. Good luck finding things to eat. Would love a subscription on Quiltmaker. Have bought it in the past, but not the last couple of years. Thanks!

  29. Thanks for sharing your renewal offer with a reader. Suggestions: When my father had therapy for swallowing with a licensed "swallow therapist", Diet Sierra Mist was the drink that she selected. He was able to swallow that much better than any other beverage. Oatmeal, soft scrambled eggs, and applesauce were other foods she selected.


Thank you for visiting! I do appreciate and enjoy your comments! Happy Sewing!