Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Word .... Inspiration Occurs!

 Don't you hate it when you have a project that you HAVE to work on when another project is whispering in your ear, Work on me, Work on me? I have 3 or 4 projects that must be completed by May. One of these projects is the blocks with author signatures that our fourth graders from last year sent to their favorite authors. They are now fifth graders. I want them to see their quilt before they finish the school year in May.  The blocks are six inch squares. We have 23 blocks to include in the project. My first plan was to just make 5 rows of 5 blocks each with sashing and cornerstones between the blocks. Our art teacher is extremely artistic and gifted in design. I spoke to her about illustrating two blocks so I would have 25 blocks that I needed for this arrangement. In our discussion, she mentioned adding more color. Inspiration finally occured! With that one word, color, I knew immediately what to do with this project. At home that evening, I dug through my fabric stash to find more fabric to coordinate with my library border fabric. 

 This cheddar insisted on coming home with me in December from Sweet Home. It is absolutely perfect for the background to arrange the blocks. Even though these aren't t-shirts, I decided to use the arrangement from Sharon's T-shirt pattern. See this past blog entry.  I whittled it down to four fabrics for the sashing around the blocks. I used the black and green that I purchased from Sweet Home for this project plus some red from my Christmas Toile scraps and blue that I found in my stash for the  strips to sew around the blocks. I worked on the blocks this weekend. 

Yesterday, I brought the background piece and the blocks to school. We pushed two library tables together. My art teacher worked her magic on the arrangement of the 

blocks after we were finished with students for the day. The quilt top is ready for me to machine stitch the blocks down. I even have the matching thread for each of the four colors. The project is sitting next to my sewing machine. It is patiently waiting to become a Real quilt top.


  1. definitely know what you mean. I have 3 or projects that I have to work on and 1 I really want to work on! And what am I doing - checking out all the blogs I read!

  2. I love the use of colors to jazz up this quilt. Nicely done! I am sure the kids will love it!

  3. Hi Becky, I am not real swift when it comes to the computer, but I am so excited it only took me a few weeks to figure out who this was. Now that I know I will be visiting the blog often. Teresa

  4. Hi Becky,
    This is my first time to your blog...due to Judy's blog's entry. I love what you are doing with the signature blocks. You and the Art Teacher are very talented.

    I do agree with you about having things you need to do before you start something else. I have it so bad that I told someone that I am no longer doing anything for others unless it is my idea. The only exception will be designing for a fabric company, but I get paid to do that project.

    Looking forward to checking out more of your blog.


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