Thursday, October 14, 2010

A New Giveaway

My quilting buddy Gretchen from the blog Stella Bella Quilts has an October birthday. Gretch is celebrating her birthday with an awesome giveaway. She has patterns, fabric, books, and is adding until the priority mail box is full. Visit Gretchen at her blog, wish her HAPPY BIRTHDAY and enter her giveaway. Happy Birthday Month, Gretchen!!!!! She celebrates the entire month of October.


  1. Thanks for sharing! Happy Birthday to Gretchen.

  2. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.

  3. I'm Gael saying hello..I'm in the Blackberry quilt camp too! So Hi!

  4. I am looking a quilters blogs. I am a new quilter and love it. I love the pictures and any info. I invite you to join my blog.

  5. I found your blog from a morning of blog hopping and have No Idea where I started. Do you ever do that? MY little grandson has been so good to just play and watch Dora while Grandmama reads quilting blogs and writes on my own blog. What caught my eye as I read through your blog and made me become a follower was the fact that you are a retired teacher JUST LIKE ME. Your post about being sick and not having to call for a sub and make lesson plans RANG MY BELL!!! Oh how I can relate! I've been retired since Dec. 08 and I have to pinch myself every morning to make sure its still I REALLY at home???,,,Can I REALLY take a nap in the middle of the day???...Can I sew whever the mood strikes me?...Oh How glorious retirement is!!Of course I do babysit my grandson (my excuse to retire early by buying back 1 yr. of retirement!)but Scott is so good I can still have loads of ME time.
    Please visit me at and become a foloower.. I am new to the bloggy world since June 2010 so I am still builing my blog and adding all the bells & whistles I see on other blogs. I'll get there but for now please come over for a chat. I live in Alabama but am originally a West Virginia gal. I met and married my college sweetheart and we ended up in his hometown of Ala. Life is grand with my 5 grandchildren and the idea behind my blog was to preserve all the wonderful family stories (old & new) along with my love of quilting and what I call "nesting". I was never able to be a stay at home Mom but I get to be a stay at home Grandmama.
    Blessings (sorry for such a long post)
    Gmama Jane


Thank you for visiting! I do appreciate and enjoy your comments! Happy Sewing!