Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Virtual Sew-Along Day 2

As I expected today was a no sewing day. This morning was spent across town with DH at a medical appointment. Today was also the day scheduled to begin the work on our hardwood floors in the kitchen. Remember, our refrigerator flood?  Beginning on Monday, we will be out of our house for 4 or 5 days while the contractors are sanding, staining and refinishing the wood floors. It seemed like a good time to change the carpet to wood floors in our family room. The fellows are here today installing the new hardwood floor.

 I've been on "Rusty duty." He doesn't like the sound of the saws and hammering. He's content as long as we stay upstairs and he can sit right next to me. I had hoped to do some sewing on the black and white components that I pinned together last night. Instead,  I'm planning a project in my head. That counts, right? The truth is I have a UFO that I'm thinking of tweaking. I love the fabric. It's requiring some "unsewing", but I think the new version of the project  will be worth it. 

I just went downstairs thinking the flooring fellows would be finishing soon. They are almost done, but our neighbor is here to put tile in the laundry room. Guess, I'll get my "reverse sewing"  project. Rusty and I can watch the television upstairs while I use my brand-new seam ripper. I liked my first one so much, I bought a second one just like it:)


  1. I love that fabric!

    My weenie dog Sammie is hiding under my computer by my feet, because my DH is using the brush cutter by the window.

    He's a big chicken with noises also.


  2. What delicious fabrics!

    Hope your floors and tile get finished so life as you know it can resume as soon as possible.

    We have matching seam rippers. Aren't they the best?!

    BTW, I came from Susan's virtual retreat.


  3. I have some of that fabric! the greens on the ends...I need to dig it out. =)

  4. Wow! And I thought having a full day of having carpet installed was going to be bad. I hope all of your work is finished soon so life can get back to normal.


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