Monday, June 11, 2012

Design Wall Monday

 It's been a wild week! All I've managed to do is to put all the blocks for Patches & Pinwheels on the design wall. Notice that one blank spot in the bottom right-hand corner? I evidently have problems with counting. My blocks were all counted and checked-off the list, but somehow I am one block short. I dug in my scrap bind and found three half-square triangles the right size. I only need to make one additional half-square triangle and sew the pinwheel block together. Tomorrow is "free" day. I'm hoping to make real progress on sewing the rows together.
Those of you who have made this quilt did you add borders? 

Dear Son has been home for the past 4 days. He is working in the college program at Disney World in Orlando. While most folks go to Disney World for vacations, he had four days off  and came home for vacation. He is absolutely loving working at Disney. We've had a wonderful long weekend visiting with him!


  1. If you're anything like'll find that missing block in about a week! It will be under a pile of fabric pieces, or you'll find it wedged behind the cutting table! That ALWAYS happens to me! I really love the look of this quilt! Awesome!

  2. The quilt top is fabulous. Just my style.

  3. This will be another beautiful quilt!


Thank you for visiting! I do appreciate and enjoy your comments! Happy Sewing!