Monday, June 11, 2012

June the Sixth

The Sixth of June is important world-wide as we celebrate the anniversary of D-Day. In my family, especially on my mother's side of the family, the Sixth of June is important for weddings and celebrating anniversaries. In 1987, Dear Hubby and I were married in a small ceremony in my brother's home in Louisiana. We courted and began our marriage as a three-some. J his son was five when we met and  seven when we married. From the beginning, I knew the my man was an awesome Dad. J and his girl are getting married in October of this year. 
My Mom and Dad were also married on June 6 of either 1942 or 1943. Here they are on their wedding day on the steps of  St. John Cathedral in Lafayette, LA. Dad was in the Air Force and was involved in France and Belguim during the War. It is a blessing to have this photo from their wedding day. Dear Hubby's parents were married around the same time, but no one in their family owned a camera to take a photo on their wedding day.

I have never seen a photo of my grandparents wedding day. Mom's parents, Ida and O'Neil on the left, were the first to marry on June 6th.  This is actually the wedding photo of Mom's brother and his wife, Myrtle, during the 1940's. 
This year was a special anniversary for Dear Hubby and me. We celebrated our twenty-fifth anniversary. Our celebration was quiet, but we plan to celebrate with a cruise in the Fall when DH is able to take vacation days.  June 6th is special in our family with three generations celebrating wedding vows. Of course, DH and I are the only ones celebrating this year, but we remember my parents and grandparents in a special way. Happy Anniversary also to Brenda and Joe (15 years) on June 8th and Pat and Andy (40 years), June 10th.


  1. Happy, Happy Anniversary to you and your sweet man.

  2. Happy late anniversary! Twenty-five years is not to be sneezed at. My anniversary is valentine's day, and my daughter and two of my nieces were also married on that day. It's kind of fun, isn't it, to share a special day?

  3. Congratulations on 25 years! I married a wonderful man and great father on the same day. I had a 2 year old and he later adopted her and we had two more children. Our plans for a big family vacation for our 25th were thwarted when my oldest got a new job and couldn't get the time off, but the two of us went on a short trip to the Caribbean to celebrate. I'm super proud of our 25 year marriage. Again, congratulations!

  4. Happy Anniversary! I hope you had a wonderful day!
    June 6th is important to us too - it was the date in 2006 when we moved to France full time. (Friends joke that this was the 2nd Normandy Landing!)Our life has changed completely but we love it here.

  5. Happy Anniversary, Becky! Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing! So glad your son is liking his Disney program - what a great experience for him!


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